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Everything posted by _shel_ny

  1. Thats all you get/need for a starter. The solenoid is mounted on the fender. EDIT: resize pic
  2. If it is too short, you may have the 25" block. Uses the "Canadian" gasket
  3. Was thinking about a replacement engine for my mower, but it looks like they no longer carry a 3.5 engine. 5.5 hp seemed a bit stout for my little 20" push mower. Took the carb off mine for some clean up. It will go another year. 1984 model. Next time the snow blower kicks I will pick up a 6.5 hp from HF instead of paying the small engine guy $200+ for repairs.
  4. Have you static timed to confirm that the spark is there when it should be?
  5. Your car was neglected, and just wanted to let you know that it will not be tolerated
  6. I got a Stromberg carb kit at NAPA. Covered several models.
  7. Greg, that is the hole for the pin/peg that the fast idle cam pivots on. Same hole as in the pic Kai posted. J Edgar had the Stromberg with the cam, and had a hand throttle. About the only time I used the hand throttle was to keep the rpm's up to charge the battery when sitting in the yard. Easier than trying to get the high idle cam back into play. Edit: sp
  8. I did not attempt to remove the pin, but I believe it is just a press in fit. The end of the pin is .25". Best that I can do to measure the hole from the inside is .22" The pin does not go far into the throttle body. You should be able to fabricate a pin from a piece of stock. Let me know if you need any other measurement.
  9. Not sure, but I don't think it would go inside. Edit: add another pic The pin/peg seems to large to have entered the carb.
  10. Should be seeing something like this.
  11. All the compression, spark, and fuel in the world will not help if they are not all there at the right time. This may be helpful: The light will tell you. http://p15-d24.com/page/p15d24/tech/tech_tips.html#static
  12. When you borrow a compression gauge, be sure that it does not extend in to far. Some threaded one go in to far, and will be struck by the valve when turning the engine over.
  13. Check timing?
  14. http://s62.photobucket.com/user/andzac/library/?view=recent&page=1
  15. AB site list them. May or may not have. Have seen them on ebay from time to time. Old stock, not reproduction. May be more cost effective to replace the latch. Easier as well. Thing is to find one that is better than what you have.
  16. My 48 did that when I first got it. It was a matter of carb, and tune up. Highly unlikely that the fluid drive itself is causing the problem. Dash pot come into play at a different time, and is likely not the problem
  17. Depending upon where the lube is leaking from, you may be able to fix it without removing it with gasket replacements.
  18. A 6v sealed beam headlight will not handle 12v. They will be very bright for just a very short period of time. Been there, done that, do not have the T shirt. Bad enough that I did it, not going to be a walking advertisement for stupid.
  19. Your first picture is out of focus. Pictures of the car may help. Welcome to the forum
  20. mitchell motor parts, or collectorsautosupply will sell you one 1/2 -20 bolt.
  21. And from the tech archives here on the site: http://p15-d24.com/topic/16761-how-to-guide-ammco-1750/
  22. AMMCO http://p15-d24.com/topic/27710-ammco-1750-instructions/?hl=%2B1750+%2Binstructions http://www.desoto.org/phpbbforum/viewtopic.php&f=1&t=4341 or if you want to spend $11 for something that is free: http://www.ebay.com/itm/AMMCO-BRAKE-TOOL-GAUGE-MODEL-1750-INSTRUCTIONS-/331172028450?hash=item4d1b642022&item=331172028450&pt=Motors_Automotive_Tools&vxp=mtr
  23. I have an original print. Re-prints available.
  24. Your manual may or may not have this diagram.
  25. A pic would probably help to get an answer. The pics that I have do not have any place for a plug. Your 55 pump may be different.
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