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Everything posted by _shel_ny

  1. No damaged springs when using the tool. No bite marks like when using vice grips, or such.
  2. AB, robert's, collectorsautosupply, ebay Door strike the same. latch/lock different left front/rt rear Part # 945893 can come from Dodge Chrysler DeSoto Moores auto salvage, fat fendered relics (bufstuf on ebay) rpm_motorsports on ebay
  3. OK, now you got the beast home. Have you determined what you have for a transmission? Is it a standard 3 speed, or does it have extra stuff with wires attached? Governor, solenoid, interrupt switch on the back right side?
  4. Measure twice, buy once This may help: http://p15-d24.com/topic/35345-raer-axle-pinion-seal-modern-equivalent/?hl=%2Bpinion+%2Bseal#entry359205 EDIT: $9.99 -5% + ship Rock Auto $18.69 price and shipping may vary NAPA $22.50 + shipping at AB $22.50 + shipping at Robert's $undisclosed + shipping at collectorsautosupply
  5. You can put a small piece of lauan, or such under the point of the tool. This type of tool provides good control when removing, and installing a spring. Edit: I have used locking pliers and screwdrivers followed by some curse words, and band-aids.
  6. Do not over tighten that nut. The cotter pin will keep it from coming apart. Everything must move free. Don't ask me how I know. As from another thread ...bla, bla,... got the t-shirt
  7. Without re-reading everything, you were asked, and my take on this is that you have no shrouding with your replacement electric fan. Is that shroud-less fan contributing some to your problem? Could you get a more effective flow of air through the radiator? (and thereby some more past the carb) When the vehicle is not in motion there is no natural flow of air through the radiator. I do not know how large (physically) your fan is, but knowing that air flow is critical for cooling when not in motion it may be another monkey wrench in your cooling problem tool box.
  8. Another resto thread, or 2 http://p15-d24.com/topic/28783-steering-wheel-restore-chronology/?hl=+wheel%20+restoration http://p15-d24.com/topic/28762-por-epoxy-putty-versus-pc-7-epoxy-paste/?hl=%20wheel%20%20restoration
  9. Some models had a rear stabilizer attached there.
  10. mod please delete
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  11. 53 may fit. Some measurements of the mounting points, and views of the linkage connections may confirm one way or the other. Mounting brackets may be swap-able. Or possible to make 1 from 2. If you are looking on ebay, you might make an offer. If an item has been listed multiple times, sometimes a seller will come down a bit.
  12. How many switch positions? Edit: I suppose a 1 speed could be installed instead of a 2 speed. Even if 1 speed there are 2 different part #'s depending upon veh sn
  13. Is yours 1 speed, or 2 speed? The wiper would be from a Dodge, and if yours is 2 speed it does not fit according to my book.
  14. May be able to help you out. Read fast. thought you were putting a 52 in a 53 I will be parts picking later this month. If the car there has not been crushed, I will pull the motor. Yours for cost plus shipping.
  15. You could make your pictures smaller for posting. Detail in nice on some items, but sometimes is overkill. Yours are not horribly large, but could be smaller. We have had them waaaaaaaaaaay bigger. Smaller pics allow others to view the whole pic without moving it side to side, and up and down. Also makes it easier to click to the next one when not larger than full screen. Smaller pics allow you to add more pics in each post. Also, with large pics you may run out of allowed space on this site, and may have to go into ''manage attachments" to delete some before you can continue to post more. You can make copies of the pics you want to post, and keep the originals if you want large detailed pics for your own use. Not telling you what you have to do, just a suggestion that you may find helpful
  16. If electric: in addition to the soth suggestion You could replace the 67 year old grease in the motor. It could be a bit crusty. You could remove the screw in each pivot tower and oil them. You could check the commutator and brushes for condition. Not sure how fast they go for others, but mine would have been described as slow and slower. They are not like modern wipers.
  17. Part #'s are different in the book. You may be able to make it work. May need linkage/mounting modifications. Edit: 2 different motors were used. Autolite, and Redmond Additionally there were 1 speed, and 2 speed. Good part is, book shows 53-54 Plym/Dogde the same for some if sourcing used.
  18. Grease them and wait for them to pass you on the highway
  19. Is the accelerator pump functioning properly?
  20. It is in "off topic", and seems it can proceed fine from here
  21. First question that I would have here before buying a unit for the housing would be: What distributor do i actually have? It could be assumed that it is an IGS-4207B-1, but with the distributor plate missing that needs to be determined before obtaining a core for parts. Many distributors will fit and work without performance problems. It could have been swapped out somewhere along the way.. Next, there is some disparity between the "autolite book", and the MoPar shop manual with respect as to which distributor was in the D29, but those bases may be the same.
  22. Access the bell housing via a small cover located on the passengers side of the floor hump. Remove the round plug/cover in the bell housing. You will then see the coupler. Turn it (by hand, or bump starter) until the fill plug aligns to the bell housing hole. Remove the fill plug being careful not to drop it. If dropped inside, the lower bell housing cover will probably need to be removed to retrieve it. Fluid level (ISO-32 hyd oil) should be at, of near the now open hole.
  23. You have successfully added a pic to your profile. To add pic(s) to a thread you can try these methods. Easiest I find for pics is to scroll down a bit to where you see attach files. Browse to select pics from your computer files. The size of the pics will determine how many you can attach in each post. Other methods available if your pics are hosted on a website. EDIT: Previously posted in another thread If replying to a post (even your own) I find pics from my computer are the easiest. In the "reply to this topic" section, look to the right. click "more reply options" Scroll down to the "attach files" area, then browse your computer pics and attach your file. You can preview to see if it is to big, too small, or not there before hitting "add reply"
  24. Past thread. http://p15-d24.com/topic/33012-master-cylander-cap/?hl=%2Bmaster+%2Bcylinder
  25. Bolt pattern for stock wheels would be 5 X 4 1/2.
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