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Frank Elder

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Everything posted by Frank Elder

  1. Are you going to the hundreds of red accent stripes on the car?
  2. I guess I’m not up on the new meters this is all very interesting.......I still use an old analog Simpson Multi Meter that I “ borrowed” from Uncle Sam’s canoe club.
  3. Be a troubleshooter, not a parts changer.......
  4. Actually Karl was one of the kindest, gentlest people I ever met ......if I messed up he would give me that disappointed look and quietly say do we have to discuss this? I would much rather be yelled at......
  5. I pumped gas at the local DX station and later the Phillips 66 full service of course, and did fluid and filter changes when time permitted seeing I was 16-18 years old and main job was to keep the line moving. Late at nite after the station closed I learned how to rebuild engines, carbs, gennies, alts and starters. Some of the best days of my life were spent working for Karl “ Fussy” Filmer and his son Dave. They owned both stations.
  6. No to political content, they can be googled.
  7. ..........I said something mean @vickij37 and so I erased it, the truth is I simply don’t believe in putting chevrolet products in a chrysler product. You could sell that motor and probably buy 3 318 motors the tri five guys love 283 motors.......
  8. Thank you Tim, I meant for it to infer that as 3 window but it didn’t come out right. I can’t correct you seeings how I will never be a chivvy man....lol.
  9. Of course on an engine stand?You would be looking for bent, twisted or broken rods. When a engine won’t rotate its valves or rods it cannot be a stuck piston or it wouldn’t move at all.
  10. Ok you have taken a step towards finding the problem, now remove the oil pan and inspect those rods....you can’t use the engine without a total teardown anyway.
  11. Small rear window, nine foot bed, put some west coast juniors on there so you can see and its gold.
  12. AWESOME TRUCK! Are you going to keep the patina?.....?
  13. Is this a work truck, daily driver light loads, or a parade truck.......it all makes a difference. Edit, I see work truck is out, my bad. You could remove some leafs and relocate the pack under the axle for lowered ride height. Seeings you are not going to be loading heavy.
  14. Bent or broken rod?
  15. Andy you are always polite, this is my kew/cue get it. Now go to your corner....lol.
  16. I buy alcohol free gas, lessens the problem but all fuel eventually evaporates over time.
  17. Well.......thats my cue to leave this thread....thanks fellas.
  18. KEW?
  19. Good job @MarcDeSoto, I look forward to seeing your progress and how you cope with those niggling details?, especially will enjoy pictures of the frame to see its condition.
  20. Congrats, now get on the google and buy yourself a shop manual, and a parts book.
  21. I always use Berrymans carb cleaner, it is like religion for me and has yet to steer me wrong......doesn’t get completely clean? Scrub harder nothing comes for free.
  22. Well.......he is from Indiana....lol.
  23. Throw away everything but the Jack.......lol.
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