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Frank Elder

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Everything posted by Frank Elder

  1. It shares one glaring omittance with its Father the 70 300 hurst.....neither one comes with a hurst shifter manual or automatic. The 70 had the inland slapstick or column shift the only hurst shifter was installed in the convertible made for miss hurst Linda vaughn.
  2. 20 bucks https://www.ebay.com/i/401225708702?chn=ps
  3. I am constantly amazed by the amount of people that buy and install 70 year old nos parts that are prone to failure. Do not install nos rubber item such as...fuel pump, vacuum advance, fuel lines. brake lines. Brake shoes are an nos no no....I have a real nice collection of nos parts, sitting on a display shelf where they belong. Did you know that some of those nos parts were factory seconds sold to the dealer for cheap. I'd use nos points,ign switch, genny, voltage reg, gages and dizzy all of these are superior to the chinese parts flooding the market.
  4. Remember the Hunt Brothers.........
  5. https://www.lowes.com/pd/Peel-Seal-Instant-Waterproof-Repairs-6-in-x-25-ft-Aluminum-Roll-Flashing/1018733
  6. Stupid would be not trouble shooting it.....you did fine and learned a lesson, now you will be able to pass your knowledge on to the next guy or gal that has this type problem.
  7. Mike....let someone else buy that mess, don't wear these..... You'll find a better truck if you are patient.
  8. I think you are confusing my signature for a comment... I can't see how you would be commenting on my wanting to learn more about an R10 OD.
  9. I can't help you but I can say I'm going to use that shifter handle someday!
  10. Reminds me of the old Lyon's snap whitewalls.
  11. what's your favorite gas station.........I think I'll buy some stock......lol!
  12. Thank you Gentlemen.....I knew absolutely nothing about this process.
  13. Caring about what I care about is even dumber...isn't our right to voice our opinions about anything we choose a wonderful right, thank you Constitution and bill of rights!
  14. There are redeeming qualities to both builds and shortcomings too......
  15. Not ruined....Viper V10 P-15
  16. Yuck.....and a 350 sbc
  17. Nice job Woodrow! At first I thought your were working on the speaker grille medallion.
  18. I saw a D-24 behind the red and white 55 chivvy.
  19. It shows up a white square on my screen....I'll figure it out, lets go back to the original content of this thread.
  20. What does this little square [ ◻️ ] mean in cyber talk....I don't get it?
  21. The modern version...... supertrapp As you remove discs from the supertrapp cone it changes the tone .....lol.
  22. Merle, my oil is fine...I just wondered if it would work, if it did I'm suppose the industry would have tried it by now. Kinda like my other idea to turn the cowl vent air system into a "ram air" system for the carb....still might do that. Eneto, a very valid point...even in cold weather trans fluid is much "thinner" the engine oil.
  23. I realize there are oil coolers out in the aftermarket like this one, But what I am wondering is could you use an automatic transmission radiator such as this one, To cool your oil instead.....I mean if it works for the tranny why not the engine? And yes I know it is not a requirement for our cars but I am still curious to see if it would help keep the oil from breaking down as fast. Run the pressure line to the rad and the back to the bypass filter......do you think you would need to install a higher pressure spring in the oil pump to compensate for the extra distance and resistance it would cause? Or would it be disaster waiting to happen....lol...
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