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Niel Hoback

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Everything posted by Niel Hoback

  1. This just in; After 24 hours above freezing, one tank split open across the top. All of them are swollen up pretty good but only split. The metal at the crack is considerably thinner than what I saw on the sides of the one I cut open. Temps will be in the single digits tomorrow night and a couple of days after. BTW, I didn't hear a thing.
  2. I'm beginning to think there will never be violent opening, just a slow split. The one I cut apart was to hard to cut with an axe. It's quite hard steel, doesn't bend easily, I couldn't get it to break by bending it. Think I'll wait till spring. If it melts any, I will put in more water.
  3. That's what I think too. I don't think the freeze/thaw cycle will have the temperature range to completely thaw them in a day or two. We'll get about 36 hours above freezing and then back in the teens. They are frozen to the ground and quite heavy or I could put them in the basement. Too much like work. I don't do work.
  4. What will happen when it thaws? Tomorrow we will be above freezing. I may pull the plugs and top them off with more water. I know they are frozen to the ground right now and won't thaw much at all. What will happen if I leave them sealed and warm them up to thaw completely?
  5. I would like to have these open up, but I don't want it that bad. My neighbors already think I'm crazy, I don't need to prove it.
  6. Thermo says 13 above now. THE TANKS ARE SWELLING UP! The curve at the top of the sides where it turns into ends is noticeably rounder and the tanks look a little bloated. Still waiting.......................
  7. I have nine tanks. One on the grille, which I seldom if ever use, three holding gas, and five I want rid of. When scrap was $220 a ton, I collected and sold anything metal. Except propane tanks. Scrap is now $40.
  8. Last year I cut one in half and it was a real job. The steel is 3/16" thick and really hard.
  9. It's nice that you learned from others experience. I, however, have a watchband shaped burn scar on my left wrist.
  10. Maybe I'm a sucker, but I have enough confidence in my doctor that I do whatever he says, within reason. I have something called Bradycardia that he knows about. My normal heart rate is from 48-52. It has been for as long as I can remember. Also a very irregular heart beat, sometimes it stops for 8 or 10 seconds and them restarts with a great thumping. He has calmed it a lot telling me someday I too, will have something like what you are looking at. I will not hesitate to do what is called for since everyone knows more about it than me. I am sure you will do what is right, trusting you doctor and your God.
  11. The next generations thank you for preserving history for them.
  12. That is my next question, since it's logical that eventually they will rupture, where? Look at the pictures for hints. I am betting on the weld around the threaded plate for the valve. There is also a circumferential weld. There are places on all of them where the bottom ring and the top handles are, or were welded to the tank. The rust is not serious on any of them even though one seems quite rusty, its only surface rust. As far as pressure, it's great enough to change propane gas to liquid propane and keep it there. I'll check again in the morning. Single digit temps all night.
  13. At idle when the generator isn't charging enough, the car is running on battery voltage of 6 volts. above idle the generator puts out more than 6 volts making the lights brighter.
  14. Why not? Seriously, the scrap yard won't take them if they're whole, and cutting them up is too much work. If they pop open, they're good to go.
  15. Got your attention, eh? I filled five 20lbs propane tanks with water, no air space left. I took the valves off the top and put pipe plugs in the holes. Its been below freezing for several days now, last night 2 degrees, tonight less. So far I have seen no evidence of cracks anywhere on them. What's your thinking? Will they blow? Will they just crack? Will they be unaffected? I'll check them again in the morning.
  16. What a great idea, I 'll run it by the wife.
  17. I just put on four Firestones 215-75R15s because they are the equivalent of 6.70-15s. The car is a bit of a bear to steer at very low speed, up t about 5, no clearance problems so far, and the Speedo reads 2 MPH across the range. Well, up to 65.
  18. That's supposed to be there. It lets water and whatever else gets in there instead of filling up and contaminating the clutch. The front edge of the slot should be bent down slightly to form a little spout.
  19. Happy New Year and may your wrenches never slip.
  20. IT'S ALIVE IT'S ALIVE !!! What a pretty sound.
  21. Boldog Karacsonyt to the Magyar out there.
  22. MMMMMMM kindergarten paste good.......
  23. Toothpicks?? That beauty is at least popsicle sticks.
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