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Niel Hoback

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Everything posted by Niel Hoback

  1. Staple them to the ends?
  2. Put the sticker on the side that won't be seen when you use it?
  3. That sounds like it came from China.
  4. I've been married for 52 years. All out of wise cracks. Sorry.
  5. There's nothing mini about a two and a half ton van. Get that on a scale, my Buick Lucerne is only 3500 lbs.
  6. Truckicide?
  7. Very clever. I'll remember that, thanks.
  8. Now you can call your wife Rosie the Riveter.
  9. Now you can call your wife Rosie the Riveter.
  10. It sounds like the reversing switch on the motor isn't working. There's a little plate on the front of the motor held on by two screws. Take it off but don't mess with the internals. Spray some penetrating oil in there and move the arm lever a few times to loosen the switch. You will see it switching if it's not stuck.
  11. Take out the floor panel and Jack up the oil pan.
  12. Do you get a charge out of shocking people?
  13. Man, you just have it all. Happy for you.
  14. ". Luckily once again God looked after a drunk and an idiot." The reason I'm alive. No kidding.
  15. Use a GPS to get an accurate speed comparison.
  16. That's a really nice looking car. Extra Sharp.
  17. I personally have loaded Michigan trains with steel that were restricted to a designated route from Gary to Detroit. I believe the limit was 80 tons. That was 13 years ago or more before I retired. You can still see some of them empty along US 20 in Lake and Porter county truck stops.
  18. No, I don't see anything either.
  19. Find a Ferrari forum and look for posts from a guy that just moved to Ft.Wayne.
  20. I don't know about other states, but here in Indiana, you cannot learn anything from a plate number no matter how close you are to any police or other government official. For the very reason you stated, "hunt you down", no one in any place of authority will help you trace a plate number.
  21. Two words; Sherwin Williams.
  22. Those pedal pads appear to be aftermarket.
  23. I don't believe you need to bleed the master cylinder before you put it on or connect the lines to it. The relief hole in the reservoir allows the air to escape to the reservoir, filling the cylinder. You have to bleed the wheel cylinders last anyway. Bench bleeding only became necessary when brakes went to dual systems.
  24. Thank you very, very much. That's absolutely amazing. I put the pictures on the TV and they are stunning. I stare at them finding it hard to believe what I'm looking at. Thank you.
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