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Niel Hoback

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Everything posted by Niel Hoback

  1. Thanks a lot, thats a real nice surprise. But now I'm worried about what else you know about me.
  2. Special DeLuxe has stainless trim around the windshield, a full horn ring and much more. I am sure there are more differences than this, but I never had a DeLuxe.
  3. There's an interesting display of electric brakes at the local TSC. It looks like you could put them on anything you might want.
  4. I think its to allow the piston to expand and contract with changing temps. It also looks like it would help drain oil from the ring groove. Or its one of the many coin slots I have found to put more money in the car.
  5. The most fun is checking used car prices in the classified ads. See what you can get a good used Pierce-Arrow for.
  6. It would seem so, if they have no slot at all.
  7. The original pistons have a somewhat vertical slot about an inch or inch and a half long on one side a couple of inches away from the pin hole. The slot runs down from the oil ring groove.
  8. Old timers have told me that they used to fill the pump with grease before they put it on so it would be able to suck oil. I've never tried it. Just pull the plugs and crank on it until the gauge shows pressure.
  9. I don't think it really matters which tower it points to as long as you know it and connect the wires to the correct plugs. But, yes, put the pump shaft slot horizontal and the rotor should point about 7 O'clock which is the tower for cylinder number 1. That way it will be clear to anyone that works on it.
  10. My service manual says the same thing, so, I would go for it.
  11. I met a guy at a show and shine in Illinois a few years ago that called Andy Bomb brain. Seem to remember him being upset about something.
  12. Capt. Fred, older Trabbis have 6 volt electric wiper motors. Maybe we should be looking into them. A little mickey mousing might be the answer.
  13. Possibly a heat problem, but more likely it is possessed of an evil spirit. It enjoys playing with you.
  14. Or was it Krusty the Klown?
  15. Thanks Norm, I'm still looking. I have this hard German head thing going.
  16. My 48 has a black rubber formed mat that covers almost all of the floor area. It is original. I think I remember seeing a number molded in it.
  17. Having seen your cars and read your posts, Rodney, you are the William Jackson to the rest of us. Use what he taught you.
  18. My point was I don't see how fluid can move from a sealed cylinder without something to replace it. If the fluid can actually travel downhill to anywhere else, the cylinder is either allowing air to enter, or its getting smaller. Am I to believe that gravity pulls the fluid down with such force that the pistons are retracting? I am really stuck here. Physics says nature abhors a vaccuum, yet losing fluid from a sealed container, the wheel cylinder, would cause just that.
  19. I am missing something here. Dezeldoc writes, "Norm, the valves keeps the pressure rated on the valves(2# or 10#) on all the time, because the master is lower than the wheel cyl the fluid runs back to the master." How is it possible for fluid to run downhill to the master cylinder without a leak allowing air into the wheel cylinder? Something has to replace the fluid in the wheel cylinder.
  20. Exhaust valve sticking, I bet.
  21. Tested timing lights today. The radio battery eliminator ain't got the guts to power the timing light. Only had 750 ma's. My antique Balkamp non-inductive light works great on 6V. The Sears Craftsman 161-2136 also works good, but non-inductive on 6V The Sears Craftsman 161-2134, inductive, works very good on 6V A real fancy looking chrome plated adjustible advance light called "Professional Timing Light", doesn't work at all on 6V. So, I think I'll dump them all but the Sears inductive light.
  22. I think a fun thing to try would be to wire a 12 volt light to one of those little battery eliminator transformers for portable radios or telephones. Then you could just plug it in. Hmmm, maybe tomorrow.
  23. Truck 721, where are you?
  24. Maurice, how about posting the dimensions of your jack box so we can try making our own? Thanks in advance.
  25. I bet there's a neoprene O ring at the hardware store that would work. I think I'll take a look the next time I get bored.
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