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Niel Hoback

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Everything posted by Niel Hoback

  1. Where's it coming from?
  2. Battery to armature, just a flash. I think your regulator should be equal or lesser than the generator. Otherwise it will it will allow the generator to exceed its limit.
  3. Yes, but would the end clamps fit?
  4. Farm and Fleet, TSC, buy em by the foot.
  5. duct tape?
  6. It ain't that flat, Greg. It takes a sardine can to get enough elevation.
  7. Shoot, I can darn near see you from here.
  8. That car is an absolute dream! If I had one like that I would want to live in the garage next to it.
  9. Scotty, the overall length is 197", or 16 1/2'. with an overall height of 67" or 5' 7". Welcome to the forum, I am in Hobart, Indiana, what part of Hoosierdom are from?
  10. Pobeda
  11. He is "Joe Cool".
  12. Cost? Everything you've got. And more.
  13. It may be that your throttle plate is not closing enough at idle. A vaccuum leak will cause a high idle speed also. Check the fast idle cam on the throttle shaft to make sure its not staying up. Back out the idle adjustment screw and look down the throat to make sure its closing all the way with screw backed out. Check the carb mount screws and manifold nuts. Check the wiper hose for breaks.
  14. The starter drive gear is driven back when the engine fires and flywheel speed exceeds starter speed. If the engine doesn't fire, the starter drive can stay engaged with the ring gear. There is no return spring or mechanical linkage to pull it back. Well, I should say thats how it is on my p-15.
  15. Thanks Rich, thats the info I was looking for. Apparently it lubricates only the seal surface. I appreciate your ability to educate me.
  16. Rich, please forgive me if I come off like a jerk. I am curious what is there to lubricate? I can see it getting to the seal lip, but anything else that moves?
  17. Regarding rust inhibtor and any other coolant additives; "This will help with protecting the water pump bearing....". No coolant or additive should be able to reach the bearing in any way. If it does, there is a leaking seal and will ruin the bearing.
  18. Great story, it makes us all want that special car back that we let go years ago. Thanks for posting it.
  19. Thanks for putting that image in my head. AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHH
  20. The piece you are showing was an interesting find on my p-15 when I removed it some years ago. To my surprise, the back side of it was woodgrained like the dash! Apparently, it's a punch out of the dash from the instruments go or the glove box opening.
  21. Call a local dealer and ask if that was part of a recall program. It sounds familiar to me.
  22. Big congratulations, Rodney. You and the Studey deserve it!
  23. Mark's right about that. I pull a trailer up to about a half ton and it will make you plan ahead. You will learn to shift smoother, also.
  24. I have used two different kinds of plugs with bolts thru them. The metal kind, I think it was brass or copper, had to be of the same size as the original as the bolt only squeezed two plates together to make it expand and seal. The other was rubber with a bolt thru it, a large washer on either side and a nut on the back, (no comments, please), Tightening the bolt squashed the rubber together to make it get fat and seal. It worked for about a week and then ejected itself and dumped all the coolant in the street. I won't try that again, its only for emergencies to get you home as far as I am concerned.
  25. Now theres a guy that watches Red Green and learns!
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