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Niel Hoback

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Everything posted by Niel Hoback

  1. By using an inductive ammeter, I have seen my alternator put out a steady 60 amps with the original 35 amp gauge. This rarely happens and has never caused so much as a warm wire. I am using #10 wire from the alt to the gauge and back to the neg battery cable connection on the starter solenoid. Like Greg said, the ammeter only senses the magnetic field of the current passing through it. Poor wiring is infinitely more likely to cause a fire than an overheated ammeter.
  2. I am sorry to hear about your Mom. She is in our prayers for a quick recovery.
  3. Man, thats a piece of art!
  4. We got another 5" this morning and now its 2 degrees. So, I did the only thing I could; clean and rebuild a Jikov 32 SEDR carb for the kids Wartburg.
  5. Anything with water in it will promote more rust.
  6. DO NOT use Coke or anything else that is water based.
  7. Buster needs a coat?
  8. I think the door lock shaft has a tapped hole in the end of it.
  9. Five, I think.
  10. Thats so good looking you need a railing around it to keep people from drooling on it. HEY, picture number 3! There's that hat you've been looking for!
  11. Here's the snow plow stuck in my front yard. All the big trucks were busy on the main roads, so they were down to using pick-ups on side streets. Obviously not up to the job.
  12. It can't be good for your catalytic converter, but just try to concentrate on how well your cylinder walls and rings have been lubricated. I wouldn't expect it hurt anything seriously.
  13. Thats what I have been doing for several years now. Hasn't overheated yet.
  14. I'd put the stat in a pan of hot water and see if it opens before I did anything else.
  15. Nothin' like "on-the-job" training, is there? You remember the lesson better that way.
  16. It looks like I have some work to do. Its about 20 degrees and very windy. Reckon I'd better get busy.
  17. Foot and a half and still snowing.
  18. An example of the opposite way to build a car cheaply. Nice looking car, but I'm sticking with my Buicks.
  19. Thats a beauty alright. Looks like humphry Bogart should step out of it.
  20. You shouldn't have to take the drum off, just measure the outside diameter and you can tell if it a 10 because it will be about 11" across. If its an 11 inch drum ot will be about 12"across.
  21. Nice shop! You are doing some good looking work there. If you weren't in Texas I would make an offer on that Powerflite.
  22. If you didn't loosen or remove the lower shoe anchor bolts, you shouldn't need to do a major adjustment. Replace the cylinder, turn the adjusting cams all the way in and put the drum on. Then do the minor adjustment procedure.
  23. It looks a lot like mine, except its better in every way. It even has two more doors than mine!
  24. You are one lucky dog. I'm jealous.
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