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Niel Hoback

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Everything posted by Niel Hoback

  1. Backfiring thru the carb probably because its running way to lean. Try filling the carb bowl and see if it will start and run a minute or two. Blow out the line to the tank and check for air leaks at the connections? I wish I could be there with you.
  2. Boats and women are the same, it ain't the hull that costs, it's the rigging.
  3. I've had a 160 in mine for a good 10 years, and it runs right at 160 steady. If I run it hard, 60 mph or more, it will go to 170. It will idle all day right at 160. I really should swap it for a 180, but I just don't seem to get to it.
  4. There is no need for a wire in the upper hose. Chuck it. The lower hose should have a wire in it to keep it from collapsing when the water pump is pulling hard at higher rpms. Get a new wire or make one from stainless wire.
  5. http://www.cartalk.com/content/about/credits/credits.html
  6. You're a lucky man, Bob.
  7. and his Russian driver, "Peekup Andropov".
  8. Heckuva deal there. $450 + shipping.
  9. For a few bucks, I would temporarily replace the temp guage with a cheapie from walmart and see if it really is getting that hot. Better to just stick a thermometer in the radiator tank and see how close the readings are to each other.
  10. The pictures were taken in Oct. 2009. I wonder whats happened to them since then?
  11. Well, maybe this is the time for me to finally swap that motor I've saving. It'll take me a good while and things might settle down some by the time I get it done.
  12. Just watching the news tonight. They're showing $3.98 in Chicago and predicting $5.00 by spring.
  13. The first time is "on-the-job-training", the second one is "doing it right". The third time, well, thats just practice so you'll remember how you did it.
  14. Reg. $3.39.9 in NW Indiana
  15. Congratulations ! Good story about good people. Coopers cool, too.
  16. It looks as though being mounted below the taillights, the bumber will block most of the light on the ground. But I can't imagine anywhere else they could be mounted for better lighting. Sure do look good though, they fit the design very nicely.
  17. WOW ! Lookit the whitewalls !!
  18. Nice way to scratch that itch. I guess its getting to all of us by now.
  19. I got a red X, Greg, what are we looking for? Closed trailer, I assume? I figure if it's stolen, it's heading for Gary.
  20. You can make up for that feeling by passing on the info to somebody else. Then you look like a genius.
  21. Joe, does your heart doctor know what you're eating?
  22. Thats purty. Oil it good before you put the cover on.
  23. Did you find my 1884 Canadian 5 cent piece in there too? I seem to have misplaced it.
  24. This thread is wavering, so I will help it. A: I am not real fond of that front end, but I couldn't do that nice a piece of work if I my life depended on it, so, more power to him. B: I have spent a few weeks in York just for fun and it was the most interesting, fun, place I've ever been. I would go back in a minute. The nicest people in the world. C: Frankie47, I hope your attitude spreads throughout the forum and beyond.
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