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Niel Hoback

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Niel Hoback last won the day on December 24 2016

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595 Excellent


About Niel Hoback

  • Birthday 07/17/1943

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Hobart Indiana
  • Interests
    Puttering. I'm getting good at it.
  • My Project Cars
    1976 Wartburg 353 Deluxe

Contact Methods

  • Yahoo
  • Biography
    Sketchy at best. You shouldn't ask.
  • Occupation
    I'm proud to say I have no job.


  • Location
    48 P-15 2 dr Hobart, Indiana
  • Interests
    Grandkids, Travel, bluegrass and classical music. I used to be a civil war re-enactor.

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  1. I’m interested in the sisson choke, any idea on shipping to 47022 Indiana 


    thanks Dave

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Branded


      Already sent, don’t worry about the $2.00. All is good. 

    3. Niel Hoback

      Niel Hoback

        Thank you for understanding. I calculated the shipping on the USPS website, but the clerk said first class was cheaper .

      On the chance I could save you a couple  bucks, I said ok.  Again, thanks for understanding.  

    4. Branded


      Sisson choke arrived today, I tested it and it seems to operate as it should. I’ll put in in the cabinet Incase mine should fail. 

      Thanks again Dave

  2. It looks pretty nice to me.
  3. Imagine their surprise when got home and found that the odometer works while towing.
  4. Six here, also. It's shaped different than the five.
  5. If you don't have a low gear position, you have an M-6 transmission.
  6. If you can move the shift lever out and down from neutral, you have a three speed transmission.
  7. It's not likely that the shaft moved. That would mean the throttle platea had come loose from the shaft. More likely the lever is loose on the end of the shaft.
  8. Not having new cork gasket to replace the broken one on my distributor, I got a large O ring at the big box store. I thought it was important because I frequently hose down the motor with water and I don't want it leaking into the crankcase. Yes, it will seep oil out if there's no gasket. Use the cork one pictured.
  9. Welcome to the forum. Ask whatever you want, somebody here knows. Post pictures please.
  10. Mine did that too, until I put a new coil on it. All fixed.
  11. WHERE ARE THE DOGS? You shouldn't leave part of the family at home when you go out to play.
  12. That's what mercury feels like when you shake it. Think of it as a liquid steel ball.
  13. Typo, I'm sure. 46-47 use 6.50x16. 48, 6.70x15.
  14. GL1 80-90 wt. Since 1994, no problems.
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