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JD luxury liner

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  • Gender
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    Bakersfield CA
  • My Project Cars
    1941 d-19 luxury liner


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    41 dodges

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  1. well it seems no one wants my 41
  2. seriously first thing was to disturb the original stance of this vehicle i personally thick it looks terrible with your modifications. quote" perfect barn yard find "
  3. distributor is out of time
  4. https://youtu.be/ioHjV4d6BWk might try this type set up.
  5. i have tested it, with a good smack & you will know if it is tripped.
  6. the first time you try to adjust those antique brakes you will wish you did the conversion.
  7. inertia safety switch ! best $10 bucks I spent at my local pickapart . also has an extra wire for an idiot light to let you know it has tripped.
  8. sorry guys , did mine in light grey enamel . & I LIKE IT.
  10. well my turn my father was an International Harvester mechanic for many years, We purchased a Triumph station wagon 1959 model. Very few parts available here in CA . When he got it running it starved for fuel. I did not understand what he did until recently. The mechanical fuel pump would not follow the cam lobe. He simply put in a stronger spring.
  11. the starter motor can drain the battery amp draw a lot. Pull the starter off & clean up the commutator and oil the bushings.
  12. I think the ford inetia switch from the local pick your part is simpler . only 3 wires, one is for an idiot light to let you know it tripped. total cost was about 8 bucks.
  13. well we have another option, A co worker has a small 3d printer. We made some gaskets for the front driving lights today. I was very impressed . I will put some pictures in the next couple days.
  14. Thanks Do we think Bernbaum would have those gaskets? The trunk light/licence plate light needs something else it is a very loose fit.
  15. OK I have new gaskets to fit the body of the lights on my 41 business coupe. What are we using to fill in the gaps on the lens, to the trunk lights & park lights ?
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