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  • Gender
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    Clover, SC
  • Interests
    Mopar, Brit bikes, shooting
  • My Project Cars
    1948 Plymouth Deluxe 4dr


  • Location
    Clover, SC
  • Interests
    40's cars, motorcycles, guns

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  1. I tried to make the trunion work. Bad parts, vibration, lost time. Had ball joint shaft made, problem solved. Expensive lesson.
  2. I don't know if these pictures from my 4door are helpful but I do remember numbering the spars and being crazy careful cutting the back window hole. I could only send one picture.
  3. My Charlie Ackers disk kit works fine. I vote for SC Hwy 11
  4. May I suggest an impact driver which has loosened stubborn door hinge and seized nuts and screws for me.
  5. I wasted a lot of money trying to stay with the original. My new u joint shaft is perfect.
  6. Greetings from Port Royal, SC.

    1. jhm1mc13


      I just noticed your message and can't remember if I responded.  To bad you are so far away.  Old MOPARS are scarce in the Charlotte area.  If you need a trans I have a spare.

      Jim Magennis

  7. I had the same issue and took the easy way by using a metric tap and easily sourced screws.
  8. Sounds like your vacuum motor needs help. To rebuild or replace this under dash unit can be almost as expensive as a switch to electric.
  9. I built mine to drive and do at least once a week. I must say there are some fine looking MOPARS in this thread. Jim M Clover,SC
  10. Beautifully done.
  11. The world needs more speedsters. I'll watch your progress. Jim M
  12. Did you change the condenser? Try and find an American one as the Chinese replacements are poor.
  13. I think you are looking for a Andy part number L-226 $15.00 listed under engine. Jim M
  14. I chased a dash rattle that turned out to be the drivers side defroster vent. You will have good access to it while the dash is out. Be pro active. It's hard to tighten after the fact. Jim M
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