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garbagestate 44

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Everything posted by garbagestate 44

  1. Not sure what car you have but if it's a late 40's mopar with a split windshield, the winshield is installed from the inside and the cord is an installation aid whose only purpose is to pull the rubber gasket over the pinchweld. The cord doesn't stay in the channel.it gets thrown out when the install is finished.
  2. I find that here in Jersey at least, people with old cars when asked will tell you all you ever wanted to know about there car or they look at you like you're speaking High German.I ran into an elderly guy a while back with a pristine 1939 Buick. I tried to chat it up with him a little bit and got the same reaction you would expect to get if you said something unflattering about his mother. Sometimes when you ask a question, the vehicle owners just don't know.Those are the ones who just paid somebody else to do the work and quite probably never even sullied up a fingernail in the restoration process.
  3. If it turns out that the block doesn't need machine work like a re bore, It is possible to change pistons and rings without pulling the motor. That's a big " if " but pistons,wrist pin bushings,bearings etc. by themselves don't break the bank too much.
  4. This is probably not related as it does sound external,and no disrespect intended but did you re torque your head bolts hot? Mine loosened up 3 times before they settled down. I can't see how it would relate to that sound but just asking.
  5. A rebuilt engine+6 volts=slower than normal cranking even for a 6 volt system. That will probably get better when you do start it and run it in a little bit.
  6. while your at it,check the carb throttle plate shaft opening for play.A while back, I rebuilt a carter ev1 and had to go through several throttle bodies in my collection of spares before I found one that wouldn't suck in air at idle.
  7. I always liked the styling of the 52 Desoto with that toothy grill. Best of luck with it and above all else, be patient in your efforts.
  8. I had no problems with mine. I think it was listed listed for a Plymouth or Dodge which made it slightly narrow for my 47 Windsor but I'll take too small over too big any day. I installed a plate along one side to bridge the difference and it worked out fine. I used a 7 psi cap and have temporarily bypassed the heater core till I can pressure test it on a bench.I don't want to find out the hard way that the 67 year old core was too weak to take pressure.
  9. That's good to know. I have a 47 Windsor that's going to get new lines later this year. I have an inverted flaring tool which I've had a lot of luck with so I may just bend my own.
  10. I understand that New England got hammered pretty good with impressive snow totals but maybe the local news outlets (New York New Jersey) will be a little more conservative with the dire predictions next time given the hysteria it created around here. People here acted as if a million ton nickle iron asteroid was going to make a direct hit on the tri state area.I told a few people Monday that maybe they got it wrong and they looked at me like I was nuts. This same thing happened in February of 2001 where they predicted a huge storm, declared a state of emergency before so much as a flake fell and we got nothing.
  11. Maybe you have a short or broken ignition wire where they go through the coil bracket routing tubes between the distributor and the top of the motor.
  12. If the wife is impressed,that's half the battle won. When I brought my 47 home several years ago, my wife saw it and got an expression on her face like she swallowed a cat turd. Good luck, it sounds like a nice ride.
  13. Here's a link to an old carb site that may or may not be useful but it has scans of many carter carbs. Good luck. http://old-carburetors.com/Chrysler.htm
  14. I got a wheel cyl from napa. It's best if you ID the part number online then go to the parts counter and ask them to look it up. If you tell them it's for a 47 plymouth first, You'll get that deer in the headlights look.
  15. I had a 72 Chevy impala once that would thump like hell only while making a left turn. Turns out that the transmission mount was shot and the thump was the tail shaft hitting the floorpan.
  16. What a shame. Probably the result of some idiot playing with a smartphone or some such gadget. They're worse than drunks.
  17. My 47 has an IND 32 (265 cid) from around 1970 which has sodium filled exhaust valves. I bought the motor from a guy who had a pair of them in their original crates. As he explained it, they came with a snow cat that he had bought at a county auction somewhere in New York state. The municipality bought these pieces of equipment and wanted 2 of everything including 2 spare engines. That's how I got mine. The guy wanted the snow cat but not the rest of the stuff that came with it so he listed them on Craigslist. Anyway, these weren't for a stationary application. I would check to make sure that the valve guides are the same for the 2 different valve types. If they are different, you could be opening up a can of worms trying to find the correct ones.
  18. You might try this link, They have lots of schematics http://www.nostalgiaair.org/
  19. If I recall, I attached the chain to front and rear head bolts (on the corners) with large washers to keep the chain from pressing into the head which is essentially a hollow casting. I don't know if that was right or not but it did work. By the way, I'm in Jersey myself.Essex county.
  20. I painted my 265 " Daytona yellow " to make leaks easier to spot. I was never crazy about the factory silver and it's never going to be in a judged show so why not.
  21. Kanter auto restoration in Boonton N.J. may have them. If they do, they ship pretty fast. http://www.kanter.com/
  22. I remember reading that somewhere too that heat shortens battery life more than cold.
  23. Tapping in a vacuum gauge could tell alot. There's plenty of sites that will tell you how to interpret the readings that you get.there might even be a few links that people have posted on this site. It;s a cheap and easy first step.
  24. Before you do anything else, You might want to make sure that your oil pressure gauge is displaying accurately by teeing in a second gauge to see if they agree with each other especially if the one your using is the original gauge.
  25. Personally, if you want to put a chevy motor in a Chrysler, who cares? As far as resale value, most of us aren't going to get rich selling our mopars regardless of whats under the hood.
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