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Everything posted by bkahler

  1. Fuel pump blanking plates for various motors.
  2. Whats that white stuff covering everything............
  3. I'm betting the filter you had previously was not sealing properly and you were bypassing oil back to the crankcase. The new filter sounds like it's working as it should. You might hook in a temporary mechanical gauge to verify pressure. Keep us posted what you find out. Brad
  4. I don't put any music on my i-phone, waste of a good phone to do that. Funny thing is where I work the company & government employees are issued blackberries. Hands down most of them have noted they would rather be issued an i-phone.
  5. Gotta say I really really like my iphone and wouldn't give it up for anything.........
  6. Greg, actually they are quite safe. There are additional locks on the doors that are supposed to be set prior to entering the water. The biggest problem has always been someone trying to open a door while floating. Once that happens it doesn't take to long for the car to fill with water. The additional door locks were added to keep that from happening. Very few Amphicar owners buy these cars to be trailer queens. Everyone we know of uses them on a regular basis for hours on end out in the water. I haven't finished restoring ours yet but my wife and I are both looking forward to using it as often as we can. Brad
  7. I bought one of those crimpers you've described from Harbor Freight about 10 years ago. I haven't seen any in their store lately however. I've used it a lot and it works just great. Oddly enough I did see one recently somewhere else but at the moment I can't think of what the name of the store was . I think the cost was about $15. Brad
  8. Here is a slight variation of the Bat Mobile. We were at an Amphicar Swim-in this past weekend in Evansville Indiana and a friend of ours brought his somewhat modified Amphicar along. Here are some pictures of the Bat Mobile: Here is a picture of several different vehicles in the water with us. The lead vehicle is the Bat Mobile, followed by a DUKW, then an Amphi-Ranger (one of 66 made) followed by another DUKW with three Amphicars in the distance. It was a great weekend seeing all these unique and different vehicles swimming around in the Ohio river. Brad 1964 Amphicar
  9. Just unplug your coil wire and use your key to turn the engine over and you're all set. Brad
  10. Tom, Pilot-house trucks use a foot starter. With the key in the off position push the pedal the the engine will turn over. Turn the key to the on position and push the pedal and hopefully the engine will start. Brad
  11. Dave, Great right up! I appreciate you sharing your knowledge on the subject. Who knows, I might be able to put it to use sometime later this year if all goes according to plan. Thanks again! Brad
  12. Heck Dave I was actually feeling good about the fact that someone was taking longer to do a restoration than I was . You actually made good time if you started in late 2005. Brad
  13. Dave, this could be the longest restoration project in history! 54 years for a restoration beats my 12 and counting years for my 1951 dodge B3B. Nice looking truck! Brad
  14. John, After the crank was installed in my 218 I could turn it with almost no effort. For some reason the spec's you provided .0005 to .0015 sure seems awfully tight to me. Then again I didn't do the assembly of my engine so I can't say if its right or not. Bottom line is you've got a problem and you're doing the smart thing by taking it back to the machine shop. Good luck! Brad
  15. Eric, I've found over the years (unfortunately there are getting to be to many of them!) that having the specialty tools to work on vehicles with makes a huge difference in time, quality of the job and even my attitude about doing a job. Sure you can work on just about anything with a hammer, channel locks and a screw driver but you usually have to work a lot harder to get the job done and done right. Thanks again for taking the initiative on getting these made. Looking forward to using it! Brad
  16. Nice pictures Don. Sorry I forgot to mention that mixture adjustment is done just as you would for a single carb however the linkage has to be disconnected between the two carburetors so you can monitor the changes as they are being made. On twin SU carburetors as used on Triumphs mixture adjustment is very easy. Since I haven't as yet tuned a B&B carburetor for mixture I can't say if its easy or not. Hopefully someone else can comment on that issue. Brad
  17. Eric, Bought one from you yesterday, looking forward to seeing how well it works. A while back I bought a similar tool from someone on eBay for the ignition switch. First one he sent me was way wrong so I sent him a spare ignition switch and he made one to work and sent it to me. So between your custom tool and the other one I can work on all of the dash switches! Thanks for taking the initiative. Brad
  18. Jim, thats one way to do it but that way is pretty involved. This is what I use on my Triumph sports cars: http://www.minimania.com/web/Item/uni-syn/invDetail.cfm Works great. All you do is set it on top of one carburetor and take a reading and then move it to the other carburetor and take a reading. They should match. If not you make the appropriate adjustment to one of the carburetors and check again. Continue until they match. Also make sure when you're at wide open throttle that both throttle plates are in the same position. Same for idle speed settings. During idle speed testing you want the linkage between the two carburetors to be disconnected so they can move independently. Brad Brad
  19. From the factory the truck was setup for positive ground. Brad
  20. Dave, The bell housing on my B3B has rubber isolators between it and the frame mounts. The parts catalog lists them as a "Engine Rear Support Insulator" part # 1312-511. There are similar parts listed for the earlier trucks as well. Can you post a picture or two of your rear engine mounting arrangement? Brad
  21. If your father-in-law removed the capillary tube from the rear of the temp gauge then the gauge will no longer work. There is ether inside the tube and if the tube has been de-soldered from the gauge the ether is gone. You'll either have to send the gauge out for repair or find a used replacement somewhere. Although there is someone on the site who has repaired their temp gauge. Search the archives and you should find the info. Good luck! Brad
  22. The elbow appears to be the original one as supplied with the heater kits. My 51 B3B had the same thing in it. I managed to salvage mine and reused it on the new motor. Brad
  23. There is a guy that lives across the lake from us that makes various lenses. He learned to make the molds and his little business took off from there. He sells them at various swap meets that he goes to. Brad
  24. Jipjobxx, What brand and model is your little camping trailer? When I was a kid (40+ years ago) we had a Go-Lite trailer that looked very similar to yours. Thanks! Brad
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