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Young Ed

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Everything posted by Young Ed

  1. This is one I built in my basement. I also have one built into my garage wall. I'm pretty sure they are both still here but I haven't seen them lately.
  2. Tim Come visit me if you want to buy one of those wagons. I know where one is.
  3. 51-52 dodge car
  4. Justin What are your plans with the plymouth? I'm here in the cities too.
  5. Dang the hunt continues for the wide ones....
  6. David is that for the big trim rings that make the caps look like wheel covers?
  7. Tim I'm happy with the 6v system on my truck and car. I do plan to go 12v on my p23. Now with that said here's my thoughts on your question: wire for 6vs and you can use the harness for 6 or 12. If you wire it for 12 the wiring wouldn't be able to handle 6v. So I say wire for 6 and decide later.
  8. Bob I will personally verfiy that you will never get the lid off it you don't use that plastic. Been there done that. Oh I also store the can upside down because it eventually forms a film and then all your paint is stuck underneath it.
  9. I've got one in MN. Might be a little far from you though.
  10. That's the same as asking will your compass still work if you fall and smash it on a rock.
  11. I've got a 94 dakota with a 3.9 v6 and a 5spd. Just hit 158K. Haven't touched a thing on that engine. Original clutch starter alternator fuel injectors etc. Oh wait I did have to do the water pump. Otherwise its been great. Straight freeway trips I get 22MPG.
  12. Just got the pics. Not buying this thing. Too rough for me and too much already taken apart.
  13. In the post war years it was really a sellers market. The dealers probably added as much as they could to each car. Mine had quite a few options. Clock, deluxe radio, 3 guards front 2 rear, dual heaters, and stone shields(aftermarket but possibly installed by the dealer too). It also had a unity spotlight but I removed it.
  14. Neat stuff Tim. I'm not too worried about it being extra fast. Even the base HP should make that little valiant move! Dads 63 valiant with the 225 and a 3spd gets going well so a v8 can only be better. Of course none of this matters if its a rusted POS or sold already!
  15. Not too concerned about that stuff. Engine is rebuilt and with limited useage it will be a long time before I have any problems. My understanding of the 273 was that it was the predecessor of the 318. We all know those things are tanks.
  16. Found this ad locally here. " 1965 plymouth Valiant Signet convertable - $1000 Needs to be put together,,Has Professionally rebuilt original engine,(Spent $1300.00 on it)273-V-8,Needs heads still on engine stand.. Professionally Remanufactured trans...still on stand..Factory posi traction.Lots of parts..Need garage space Waiting for a responce from the seller on body condition. Based on price and the fact its not mentioned I'm assuming its quite rusty. We'll see though. I was hoping to find a 64 with pushbutton auto but this might be close enough.
  17. My car had 3 guards on it new. The bumper was off when I got it but you can clearly see the outline of all 3. The 3 guards were with it too. Still don't think I'm going for that center guard....
  18. Nice picture David. Decides one thing for me. No way am I putting the center bumper guard back on my p15!
  19. If you can get the model code from the serial plate I can help you figure out how big it is. Anything prewar is pretty rare and so are the bigger trucks. The 41-42 dodges have the same looking front end as mine with the addition of stainless bars on the lower grill louvers. 39-40 ones have headlights down closer to the grill and different grills.
  20. 46-48 is for dodge and plymouth cars. The truck series before your pilot house ones went from 39-47 with very little being made 42-45. The 39s are T models 40s are V and 41-47 are W. Then a 1/2 ton is a C 3/4 and 1tons are Ds 1.5 tons Fs etc. So my 46 1/2 ton is a WC. As the trucks got bigger there are numbers after the second letter to denote wheel base and accesories like 2 speed rear axles. There are also plymouth pickups made 37-41. The one in the picture is a 41.
  21. Dennis is that 4 1 F stamped on a flat spot on the top of the diff housing? That's where the ratio is and that could possibly make that one a 4.1 ratio.
  22. What rear end ratio is in that? Someone was looking for a 3.90. Hate to see good parts get tossed out.
  23. Being only 27 I'm not sure I'll like being a senior member......
  24. Just hope you get the same elephant back at the end!
  25. That must explain the fender dent. You couldn't see behind you with that huge camper on there
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