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Young Ed

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Everything posted by Young Ed

  1. Scott keep the group informed of your rear axle research. I've got access to a 66 plymouth fury(Cbody) rear axle that if possible I'd like to stick under a 39-47 1/2ton.
  2. I really didn't but I think I made the right choice. Interesting that the dakota is in the background. That ones gone too. I'm sure the future will bring me another first gen hemi powered something.
  3. Got a letter in the mail today from its new owner. He's having trouble with the title and needs my notarized signature on a form. Anyway sounds like he is still working on it. He sent a couple pics of it and his parts car for it.
  4. Didn't David Maxwell on this site do it? It sure looks familiar. Think he possibly had a few versions like one with that GM car replaced with a proper Mopar.
  5. I was expecting a "well I can't finish when people don't send me the parts..."haha. Both my projects are on the road but I don't consider either one done. They are rolling resto's.
  6. Tim if you'd just finish something you could join us in the calendar
  7. Its not the B series one mentioned above but I believe its also by Don Bunn. Its got a pink sweptside on the cover.
  8. Allan Calendar looks great. Especially October What's a good method of printing these?
  9. I think my truck does follow the 47inches of a 37-48. I'd have to measure to double check of course. But what is the axle width of that 66 fury?
  10. Anyone need a copy of the dodge truck history and restoration guide? I have an extra copy in very nice shape. Send me a PM.
  11. Rodney I certainly know what it is. Very useful tool for stubborn screws. I used one a ton on my p15 parts car for all the door hardware. Sadly I could have been driving one of my cars too except they aren't here!
  12. One of these just joined our fleet. Little old lady car but sadly its MN and this old lady drove her car. Its quite rusty. Has a 383 auto and now that we replaced one rear wheel bearing it runs and drives. Its going to be either resold as a parts car or parted out. I went looking at Don Cs rear axle chart and didn't see the C body cars listed. Does that mean its not a good fit?? I'd be looking at putting it into a 39-47 mopar pickup.
  13. I'd want to check out that original engine a lot more. If it was already bored 30 over with new pistons etc then I would think you'd be much better off to spend the 100 on a sleeve for that one cylinder and continue using all the other new parts. It depends a lot on what was done to that first engine for the overhaul.
  14. Charlie You said it quite well. I have received help from many people on this site. And you helped me out quite a bit when I was first starting. When I got my truck I needed a windshield frame and a gastank both of which I bought through your rustyhope message board. That also led me to the yahoo 39-47 truck group which has been a great resourse for me too. So thanks Charlie and thanks everyone else!
  15. Another thing is the napa here now carries plastic coated lines. They aren't that much more then the plain steel ones and are supposed to be kink proof. I used them on my dakota and would certainly use them again.
  16. I saw your post on the 39-47 yahoo group. I'm a member there too. My 46 pickup was my first old vehicle. The p15 coupe came next. I've been having a great time working on both. If you have any truck questions feel free to ask.
  17. Not sure you are getting much for your money there. You still have to bend them yourself. He says easy to bend by hand but never mentions what material the lines are made of. I think I'll stick to the bulk lines from the store.
  18. Me too Norm. I haven't been signing my name to any of my posts assuming everyone could see the signature. Hmmmmmm
  19. Post a pick of your new truck when you get it. Thats the long WB 1ton right?
  20. I looked and didn't see them. I didn't save the listing either. Ed
  21. I haven't made quite as many posts as Norm but I've never lost a post that I was typing out. There may be some small disadvantages but they are nothing compared to the advantages for me. I can read at work and at home and wherever else for that matter and it keeps track for me of what I read. Plus you just hit the little error next to the subject line and it takes you right to wear you left off reading that topic. That should elliminate a lot of clicks right there. BTW I leave my self signed in on both work and home pc. Not sure why anyone wouldn't do that?
  22. A month or so ago there was a set of 4 that didn't sell twice with an opening bid of 250.00. I think they were in CA somewhere.
  23. Trucks used them longer. My 46 still has the firewall coil and it should have the clam shell wire holder too. Trucks used the foot pedal starter for a lot longer too.
  24. I was kinda wondering myself what all the californians were talking about. Now here in MN its probably a little more helpful. The one in my truck doesn't use a spring-you were supposed to change it yourself. Its set to summer probably permanently now. My coupes is free but springless. Neither run well until they are warmed up a couple minutes. Who sells the springs? I believe thats all my coupe needs.
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