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Everything posted by Desotodav

  1. What a great trailer Mark. Who'd have thought that you'd find the twin to your FEF bed. Sort of exactly the same only different aren't they... Desotodav
  2. Looks a bit like the front of my 55 Desoto truck here in Oz... Desotodav
  3. A couple of photos to show the full story... Desotodav
  4. There's nothing like a 'customised' car! I like the spin that Red Green puts on customised cars - even the old Desoto gets a mention. Check this one out... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGM3-WiEZco . It even has similar headlights to the car that Dennis posted. Desotodav
  5. I reckon they look pretty good too DD. Though it would be good to have the fella fix 'em. I like your rev counter (tacho) idea. I suppose that would fill the hole for a fella without a radio in his truck as the speaker cover would not be needed - or you could put a big clock face in there? Desotodav
  6. Welcome aboard Scott. Looks like a fairly solid looking truck that you have there. You have certainly come to the right place to find all the information you could ever need to know about your new project. Be sure to update your user information with your location as that might make it easier for fellas over there to assist you parts or project wise. Frequent use of the 'search' function will aid you greatly along the way, and don't be afraid to ask questions! Desotodav
  7. Good on ya Rich. That's one very nice looking truck! Desotodav
  8. This is one for Mark... http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/NewRay-1-32-Diecast-1952-Red-Dodge-Pick-up-Truck-MIB-/150854447731?pt=UK_ToysGames_DiecastVehicles_DiecastVehicles_JN&hash=item231fa03273#ht_4657wt_1396 . It even looks almost like FEF !!! Desotodav
  9. There's nothing fancy about my Uncle's old MF tractor down at the farm. He reckons that he got it back in the 60's. He recently replaced a rear tyre - for the first time since he's owned the tractor! Desotodav
  10. I checked my car and truck manuals and couldn't find anything on wiper motors for you Dave. Check this link to the Imperial and Chrysler web pages re wipers... http://www.imperialclub.com/Repair/Lit/Master/041/cover.htm . Follow through the pages and you might find the information that you are after. Desotodav
  11. I did the two tire trick with a Desoto engine that I picked up recently and it worked well... Desotodav
  12. Will it be 4:39 on your clock twice a day from now on AndyD? Desotodav
  13. I replaced mine with a rounded-edge ring because I couldn't find the square-edge ones at my local seal shop. It seemed to solve my oil leak problem from there. Try this link where P23 offered his spare ones for sale... http://www430.pair.com/p15d24/mopar_forum/showthread.php?t=32847&highlight=pump . Desotodav
  14. I attended quite a few jobs whilst working with the Forensic Crash Unit that involved death or serious injury to persons. The worst weekend that I worked involved 3 separate traffic crashes with the death of 8 people. I still find that the jobs involving small children are often the most difficult to cope with. I have managed to cope over the years with the death and carnage on our roads that I often encounter in my occupation. I personally feel for any person who has encountered the tragic loss of friend/family or loved one, and also for those that have had to conduct inquiries and investigations in relation to the same. Desotodav
  15. I recall a friend recently sending me a photo of the back of Mt Rushmore... Desotodav
  16. I used stainless steel chain and polished it a bit. I also used a bike tube to cover them (1 with bike tube on and 1 without for the attached photo). Desotodav
  17. I had my two rear springs re-arched and two front springs made from new for $250 here in Oz. It was a good deal through a mate of a mate though. I have been back since and I don't think that he's on the same medication as he was in my first visit - certainly not as friendly (as he was previously) on my second visit! Like Tod says, just a matter of finding someone that has the right equipment. Desotodav
  18. I've only seen car motors with the sump pan at the back Mark. I don't reckon you can flip it around - so you might have to swap it. Depends on how badly your drag link hits it the sump - you can rotate the drag link a little and tighten it on the tie-rod nuts in a position to gain a small bit more clearance. A quick comparison for you in the attached photos. 1st photo is my 52 Desoto truck engine when we first pulled it, and 2nd photo is a 54 Desoto car engine that I recently acquired. Desotodav
  19. The old FEF sure turned out nice. Well done on both the trip and the restoration Mark. I hope the metallic clunk was just something minor. Desotodav
  20. Good job Hank !!! I'm glad that it worked out for you Mark. I should have posted the pic here, but could send it bigger to you on email... Desotodav
  21. You seem to have a lot of things going on at present that are a PITA Mark. You should get some friends!!! Sorry, that didn't sound right - you should get better friends!!! Desotodav
  22. Good on ya Tim! I sent a picture of that old bus of Chris's to my Mum to see what she thought of it and she reckoned that I should buy it, bring it to Oz and restore it. I think that I'd have all sorts of dramas with it here in Oz as the door to allow passenger access is on the wrong side (for us). My oldies already have 40 or so buses of their own anyway, so I don't think that they really need another one! Please keep us (me) updated with what you get up to with the old bus. That old bus of yours looks alright too Bob. Desotodav
  23. The rear bumper on the panel truck looks similar to the one on my 56... Desotodav
  24. Geez Mark, I reckon that if you didn't have bad luck you'd have no luck at all !!! Desotodav
  25. Pity about the small issues Mark, but I'm sure that you will sort them out. Sounds like you just down to the hood alignment and small crack/s issues. I'm still going through some small issues with my truck mate. My fender and hood on the left side need to move back about 3mm. Maybe your eye is too keen like mine? All will work out fine in the end !!! Desotodav
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