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Everything posted by DJ194950

  1. My Hollander interchange book 1946-1956- shows a 3.36 rear ratio avail. on 1953-1954 Chrysler 8 cyl. C-56 and C-63, Desoto 8 cyl. S-16 and S-19. Found no other Mopars using This rear end and ratio. Maybe on later models with a new style rear end. Other ratios avail. on these cars were 3.53 and 3.73. Agree with Tim, unusual ratio. But was there.
  2. fuel separated from the Water! Looks like time to pull the tank drain plug and clean out. Remove the fuel line from the tank and blow it out backwards. Open carb as it surely has water in it which will block the jets and clean out/rebuild. Replace fuel filter as it must be full of water also. Clean plugs as they get fouled by water. More to do yet but all needs to be done for reliable running car. Good luck.
  3. Thanks Don. I understand Georges. Seems to just bypass the governor with the switch and still uses the original kick-down switch, Just not sure what Mark D wants his setup to do. Sometimes too many options for the operation does confuse. But it's fun to me to have those options.
  4. NO NAKED FLAME allowed in cab! That was the sign at the fuel stations in Brisbane,AU 12 years ago. They do Not call gasoline- gas either. It's petrol if I remember right.
  5. 1. can you post George's diagram? 2. will you tell us how you want the OD controls to work. Your current diagram has me confused, but that's really new to me!
  6. What is the part you have ID'ed as OD lockout? The reverse lockout switch?
  7. Crudely drawn diagram I used for my R-10 Mopar OD several years ago in my 50 Ply. 4 dr. The Shift-Rite shifter knob is the momentary ground as shown on the diagram. The latching relay used is early VW headlight switch which is available in 6V. or 12 V. versions. The knob is grounded through the shifter knob on the shifter arm if cleaned and 1 wire goes to the relay to ground when the button is pushed. Button CANNOT be held in- will destroy the relay- it is Momentary use only! But once button pushed and released in-out of overdrive will not change until throttle is released momentarily.
  8. Absolutely pray for George, Best wishes to him and family! DJ
  9. Some armadillo education. Location in Ca. very possible but not in central CA. NO RAIN=NO WATER http://armadillo-online.org/expansion.html Add some more do and don'ts for armadillo contact to go with Tim's warnings- http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Armadillo
  10. Best of luck with the test runs! A nightly no cat check in the garage before closing up would be appropriate!
  11. Only available in Ca. for now! Have'nt you tried it yet? Not for me though. I like the "real syrup made with corn sugar, artificial flavors and colors.
  12. door to rocker gap looks good. Lower part of door lip appears to bent outward maybe from dragging the front fender. Yes the front lower edge of fender is slightly adjustable . Rocker panel also appear to be bent in at the front edge from the hole forward. Put it all together = 1/4" gap. 49 Ply. bus. cpes. did not come with the lower rocker mouldings stock. They had 3-4 - 3/4" to 1" slots for the rocker mouldings to mount. They used an unusual clip to mount them to those slots.. Dodges they same??? Hope that's some help. Love the Bus. Cpes.
  13. I did my 50 Suburban by sandblast in my back yard on a concrete slab only slightly bigger than the car. $20 total in sand? I would have had to buy at $1 a 60 lb. bag to do that. Used at least 20+ 60 lb. bags of silica sand 30 grit ($4.00 at bag 10 years ago) to do the body in and out, frame complete (body off) and underside of body. Lot of work and a large pile of sand to get rid of with about 40-50 lb. per week in the garbage can! Live in the city. My compressor is 60 ga. tank and a 6.5 hp motor. Runs 125 psi max. 40 lb. pressure pot from Harbor Freight. Used full pressure, but it does drop as being used and ran most of the time while blasting. Nozzle tip size make a big difference on coverages and psi required. Only your own experience will tell what works best with your setup. Buy plenty of replacement nozzles as they wear out and cause a lot of wasted sand and speed! Have fun and plenty of hydration for your breaks! DJ
  14. Is your Langdons the two-two's with the progressive carbs and are the new or rebuilts? Have you syncronized the carbs? A couple thoughts. Love the Suburbans, good luck, DJ
  15. Ever checked the whole exhaust system after the fire? May have a leak. Got new window seal and all associated door seal and associated? Fire is not friendly with any of these. Glad to hear that it goes good again!! Best of luck on your future travels! DJ
  16. May also check your welding supply stores fro heavy gauge battery cable that that can be made to length as needed. One of my 4 local supply stores carries the lugs for bolt on ends and battery terminal end also. A big plus is that their cable is of a fine strand copper type that will handle higher amp ratings. This place at least can also do the crimps for the end of the cable if you know your required lengths. I prefer to do my own cable ends by soldering them on but requires at least a propane torch and a little online study on how to-- Otherwise see if the supplier can crimp end and apply a heavy shrink tubing at the joints-preferably a tubing that has glue inside that really sticks and seal the connections at the cable ends! Nice find at a reasonable price! Best of both, enjoy! DJ
  17. Does the spring length need to be long enough to hold tight against the piston and top washer or have at least the 1/2" free play as per the pics of my parts?? Thanks for you input! DJ
  18. NEWS TODAY_ CHEAP CALIF. WINES HAVE UP TO 5 TIMES MORE ARSENIC MORE THAN THE EPA ALLOWS IN DRINKING WATER! List includes Trader Joe"s 2 buck chuck! Don't drink wine but have they checked beer?
  19. TRUE for 46-49-early series woody style wagon bodied Plymouths. Maybe, I don't know whether the all earlier woody wagons were 4 dr. style? So what you wrote was true, But-- 49-up woody type 4 dr. wagons were labeled wagons and 2 dr. all steel wagons were called Suburbans.
  20. very nice add-on!
  21. Ca. Gov. Jerry Brown likes your kind! Now if you will just crush that old gas guzzler, air polluter of yours and get electric vehicle! DJ
  22. Not sure what the bolt problem is but--- Maybe? check vintagepowerwagon.com as they sell this type of bolt on this site. Maybe discuss your issue? Best, DJ
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