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Everything posted by DJ194950

  1. Time for her own motorcycle?? There are women's MC clubs in the US, Canada? DJ
  2. Nice! Mom is dressed that she is waiting to get on the back of a Harley! Take her! DJ
  3. Tenn. clutch was great for me several years ago (2-3?) !! Sent original clutch pressure plate, disc, throw-out bearing and pilot bushing to the for (parts) repair. Less than a week later got call for credit card # for payment which was less that $100 slightly. Received parts in short order (6 days?) rebuilt. Clutch parts ,throw-out bearing, pilot bushing And an a plastic clutch alignment tool!! Great service! ++++ DJ
  4. Air bagged camp trailer?? That must be a new idea? Good or bad. DJ
  5. Well I really doubt that a ban on fuel powered vehicles will be pass here in good old Ca. but laws might pass allowing the Ca. DMV that will get about 99% of them off the roads with the charges they will charge to license one!! Only richest person will drive one in Ca. But then with the newer very high taxes on the rich in Ca. has driven many to moving out of state as their permanent residences and only may have a Second home in CA! The DMV here does NOT need any OK from the legislature to raise fees- which they do often! Unless they are WAY out of line (been done before) Been thinking hard about my continued stay in CA! DJ
  6. Thanks all for the replies. I do not see the Edmunds instructions. Were they posted somewhere?? Trying to understand the reason for the way the plumbing works. I believe we have repaired the main problem. The hole in the side of the thermostat housing had only i thread depth due the the thinness of the housing and the hose fitting pulled out. Now has a brazed on bung with more threads. What a pain! I guess the Old thermostat housing had plenty of contamination that only took 3 tries to get the dang thing leak free. As of today it appears to now be OK. I would still like to see the Edmunds instructions though. Appreciate the responses! DJ
  7. Is that corner available only by the night or have weekly and monthly rates?? DJ
  8. Well Don is that photo good enough to email me? Forgive me Lord! DJ
  9. Hoping some has done this to a P-15 with a after market (Edmond's this case) that has the fittings for the heater hoses, but I think it may be overthought with many too hoses and heater heat shutoff valve as is. Problems with some fittings and connections. I would like it a simpler setup. I believe that I have seen a posting or two about this setup but could not locate same by searching. Thanks for any or all help! DJ
  10. Got a picture with you and Jane?? DJ
  11. Paul why did you not do that with an OD transmission ? Did you sell them all? DJ
  12. Maybe I have the body pics of the shape to match the grille? Appears to be done. Understand that all these parts are supposed to be flat, but until other body and paint work is started I think they will stay as is-hope you understand? DJ
  13. The bean burrito gas= fuel,gas and compression! Only need the spark! DJ
  14. For what it is worth- several years ago my equip. rental co. had an almost new fork lift with a cummins turbo diesel that ran fine but would just die sometimes and then run fine again for days. After several customers got tired of this it was sent to our heavy repair shop at our yard. I ended up with this job. I could not get the damn thing to die after several days and hours of use. I called the factory help for the industrial uses and was told it was most likely the computer. When I questioned the rep if it could be caused by the cam position sensor I was told it Could be. I checked the prices of replacement computers and the cam pos. sensor. Computer ( no fancy controls for speed, accessories,etc.) was about a grand. The pos. sensor about 150 bucks or even less. I tried the cam pos. sensor and sent the machine back on rent. Never heard another word about that machine! Also the cam pos. sensor was way easier to replace! Just my 2cent. DJ
  15. I went to rock auto.com after the last post and found some different possibilities for inner/outer, l and R. Not so sure now myself. Just an update. DJ
  16. I did a search on this forum for- p-20 steer parts -and found some replies- es-166r right and left side per Rich Hartung desoto1939 DJ
  17. trying to add some fender pics but camera to pc has put the them all somewhere. Some how I got 1 pic for grille sheetmetal posted ! Later, DJ
  18. Bob- my friend changes his mind week to week. Thanks for some ideas. We have never approached the idea of whitewalls. I don't know how they they would look on a light tan car. OK I suppose. Got any nice used WW tires for sale? - Did I mention he can get to his cheap side quickly- especially on tires and wheels for some reason.?? Now some radials with the older bias ply look- could be a possibility, But. Thanks, DJ
  19. Hard to sayfor sure but if I were guessing -the male end (left)= 1/4 NPT The female end is 5/16 inverted flare . DJ
  20. Paul all good wishes for you- I have done the prayer , spirits and will look for a candle to light when I get into the house! All the best, DJ
  21. Thanks for the continued info on the subject. I will have to break out the old camera and put new batteries in it and take some pics to post! Sorry I do Not have a new phone that takes good pics or know how to connect the phone to PC. DJ
  22. Ok, thanks for the "straight" information! Man the curvature that it has matches very well between both fenders and the center sheet metal grille part. Just the center had damage and was actually pushed back inward. The question I have now is to leave it alone for now, or repair all the parts? I do these repairs mostly for next to nothing for my friend. Maybe it is now a Custom Special Deluxe! Be be determined soon. Thanks all again! DJ
  23. This 47 Ply. definitely has some curve on the fenders and the sides of the grille sheet metal are the exact same curve . Just the middle had be pushed into sometime at one time and most of the stainless also bent. 46ply's picture Appears to also have a slight curve on the sides- though from the pic. it is hard to say for sure. The middle part is even harder to tell the shape top to bottom. Neil so yours it flat on the sides and middle- " Very Interested" as Col. Klink used to say! Now what to do?? Time for a survey? Thanks for the replies! DJ
  24. Looking at my classic Hollander interchange manual-1946 -1956 which often cover other years if the fit many models and years -says, No to using the drop out 3rd member complete from the Desoto. Why?? Does not say. Many other Mopar 3rd member dropouts should fit into your truck, almost too many to list. Look for almost any 6cyl. cars from 1937- 53 or 54. The 3.73 ratios were common in Bus. Cpes. Early Desoto,Chrysler 6 cyl. models Only. If you find a candidate for exchange post the year,model, # of cyl. in donor car. Several forum members have this interchange manual and give good info for you. DJ
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