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Everything posted by DJ194950

  1. Did you remove the flywheel when the trans/clutch work was done? Problems have been reported about the bolts or nuts on the back side between the flywheel and motor hitting and locking a motor tight against rotation. Remove the lower inspection cover on the bell housing and look in that area for any problems. Another thought, Good luck, DJ
  2. will PM my zip code so you can check options for shipping. A while back I shipped 2 rear end 3rd. members and FedEx was best. Years past Greyhound was great, not so much anymore. DJ
  3. Many chopped roof hotrods use one of these stop light prisms. A web search shows many types and methods of attachment. this was the cheapest. $10 a speedway motors DJ
  4. Just having fun with the PP label. No paint. Well you already broke that taboo with the dash/etc. Like the look still. Enjoy along with the dirty work. You are still PP. DJ
  5. Pull the top cover and drain the oil, will give lots of info on condition. Had the tranny also but shared that with a friend with a 37 4 dr. driver that had a somewhat noisy trans. It worked as it was after a good cleaning out. Bell housing would be for sale to a forum member reasonably priced but shipping will most likely be more. Anyone closer? DJ
  6. Good to see it moving itself now. Is putting clear on something considered painting it ??. Good job Paul! DJ
  7. If you have a slide hammer, find a nut or preferably 2that fit the threads of the hammer., tack weld the nuts together while threaded on the shaft (wet rags covering the rest of threads/shaft), then weld to the end of the nuts to a piece of left of sheet metal to the end of nuts sticking straight out. Size of the sheet metal depends on the size/shape of dent being worked, Then put several tack welds in the center of dent to start and the use the slide hammer to pull dent outward. You probably will need to take a cut off wheel to the tacks weld to move the slide hammer around some to work out a larger bent. Kind of the same idea as the stud welder just $250+ cheaper. Slower, BUT. Always clean out the gas tank First, and/or put exhaust of a lawn mower or similar into the tank to remove any oxygen. DJ
  8. Love it! It's in great shape. My vote keep it a while and drive it with the Boss. Thinking that your- may sell/modify ideas will fade away. at least I hope they do. Enjoy. DJ
  9. How can you wait? Must be a very patient person! Looking great, good luck. DJ
  10. Pics of the bell housing take today in the container that was mentioned in my earlier posts. Forgot it still had the mounts and throwout bearing and collar with greasing line still attached. Forgot to mention weight. Approx. 35 lbs. per bathroom scale, close per previous use but not an exact #. Edited to add weight. Hope of some help. DJ
  11. Using parts of two posts from diff. people. Mike did'nt say if, Dodge before ya did, and yes I did Miss the IF! My bad for that part and I guess I need some new reading glasses! LOL! DJ
  12. I can't find where Mike posted that the truck had a Midland booster frame mounted or am I going more blind? DJ
  13. Mike is the power brake truck equipped with an remote vacuum operated booster? A quick search online shows both Bendix and Midland made these for years in diff. diameters, sizes, single diaphram and dual that work with a stock type on master cyl. plumbed to the remote booster then brake line run from that the brake cyls. and work off motor vacuum. One for a 57-61 Dodge d500 rebuilt unit for 170, free shipping, But did not dig deep enough to check a core charge cost. Thanks just wondering, too much time on my hands! DJ
  14. Maybe I can get a pic. of it tomorrow as it's in a shipping container at my friends ranch. I plan to go there tomorrow any way, so I'll let you know and try to weight it too! DJ
  15. I guess the old saying- A Happy Wife= A Happy Life- applies here! Maybe if I had followed that?? Too late! DJ
  16. Your rockers should have three drain holes in the bottoms which are usually plugged up that can be a big help getting the fine stuff out. Look from underside to locate if possible. Looking good! DJ
  17. Your pic that had the original tranny in it- appears if you want to use it the shifter overhangs the bell housing. It requires a early bell to match that overhang. I have one I'm not using But the cast part # search shows it was for 37-38 car and truck? Has the bell flat for the shifter overhand, but I'm also in CA! Enjoy the adventure, don't make work out of it! DJ
  18. While maybe not appropriate for this site, I for one would love to follow the build. If you find an a site for your build at least post it here so any interested persons can follow along! DJ
  19. Think you'll find flat glass cut to fit is cheaper than the lexan you talk about. Most glass shops that do auto glass carry it and cut it, pretty easy to do. Nice panel, good luck. DJ
  20. My auto shop teacher from freshman thru junior years said Always use the correct tool for the Job!, But if your working on a customers auto get the job Done with what you Have! I worked for years on construction rental equipment and what I did was use what I had in way on tools to get the job done,But, if I did that same job a second time and had to use the improper tool a second time if was time to find and buy the correct tool. If way an very expensive tool I went to the boss and talked him to having the company buy one for the shop. At home a slightly different story, but if you know the chances of doing the same work again, buy the tool. My 50 cents. DJ
  21. What too old for your tastes? You Europeans! DJ
  22. Appears you went with mechanical speedo. Can't read the instructions myself to know the answer. The easy way if your existing cable is long enough And matches treads/size etc. Your wiring looks good. I like to put a multi pin plug on the gauge setup to make any later work easier, to remove the whole panel. My choice, but maybe not yours. Enjoy! DJ
  23. I was putting on floors with many replacement panels welded in. Needs an heavy coat in that condition in My opinion, but you are doing back side inside of cab according to your pics. May not apply here. Just a heads up! For insulation, please use something besides plastic bubble wrap. When burns- quickly, a poison gas is given off! Hope you never have any experience with that bad luck again! DJ
  24. NO difference. Buy as many as makes you happy!
  25. PP, hope we get to call you something else is the near future! You do have a big job ahead of you still. A quick repair appears to not in your future after seeing your truck. BUT doable! A work of caution about using the spray can undercoating. Sand it and acetone clean it before using it. Spray multiple thin coats and allow to dry between coats, instead of a multiple coats to achieve in in one afternoon. Experience! Took a week for my multiple coats to fully harden. Way to many in a short time. MY BAD! Tim, it comes in Cheap (thrifty) spray cans! PP's favorite. Can you get a buzz from propane propellants?? Just kill brain cells? DJ
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