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Everything posted by oldodge41

  1. Like Robert this was not the first drive of the season but the first over 10 miles or so. Put about 100 miles on round trip. Stopped at this diner for lunch last Saturday. All is good after the rewire and the first longer trip since the rear end swap. I like the higher gearing.
  2. I'm one of the ones that said I would make an effort to attend. Won't be possible though, hope you get some takers.
  3. Very cool.
  4. I did my own diagrams for my '41 rewire on AutoCad. Here are some of what I made. The numbering system is unique to these drawings as I did not try to match anything else. These are not the "as builts" since I haven't updated them yet. I like what you have done.
  5. I vote with Neil, Pierce Arrow.
  6. Have a great time guys. Enjoy the show and be safe.
  7. Looking real good. You guys have skills.
  8. Congrats! Enjoy the new home.
  9. Put a can of Slick50 in it and it will be good as new!
  10. I like it!
  11. Congrats on your first road trip
  12. Thanks for the link. I just saw Andy Bernbaum lists them too.
  13. After my rewire my gas gauge still did not work. Tonight I investigated and found this. It was all corroded and black looking. When I touched it, it fell apart. It is the resistor wire that the wiper in the sending unit rides on. The other picture is the sender complete.
  14. Thanks for the ride Bob.
  15. I loved the videos. Great story!
  16. Nice car, have fun with it.
  17. +1 Thinking about Texas members
  18. Nice work. Looks and sounds great.
  19. Good looking family!
  20. Yes, nice truck. I guess 58 to 60 maybe.
  21. Nice! I hate easy outs too!
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