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Everything posted by oldodge41

  1. I look forward to the updates. Ruby is getting great care.
  2. Bob, you have been missed around here. All the best to you..............Tim
  3. Sharp car.
  4. I posted that picture last summer. I took the photo at a Mopar cruise-in at the Elementary School in Clearfield, PA. Sorry I don't have any other info on the car. I think that is the only time I have seen it.
  5. Nice pics, Thanks!
  6. Look forward to color pics.
  7. Congrats! Beautiful car.
  8. Maybe the bolts and nuts were cut off your rear mounts. If someone cut the nuts off only to find the bolts frozen in the pucks, they may have then cut the bolts and now they appear solid.
  9. When a previous employer closed up and shipped all their equipment to China I was asked to go there for start-up assistance. For several reasons I wasn't interested but I have a lot of respect for people who travel the globe. My online searches agree with what Bob said above.
  10. Mine too. I have made a lot of gaskets from cereal boxes over the years. Especially thermostat housing gaskets it seems.
  11. Nice pictures Chet! Thanks for sharing.
  12. I had to go into work yesterday. To ease the pain of working the weekend I took the '41 Dodge. I had to cross campus (PSU) from the West Campus Steam Plant to the East Campus Steam Plant about noon. I received quite a few thumbs up and some pointing and smiling from the students I passed along the way. The Asian students seemed especially appreciative of the old car. It got me thinking about what the old car scene looks like in Asian countries. Forties era American cars I would think are rare due to the war. Any forum members have any first hand knowledge?
  13. I bet you got a prime parking spot!
  14. I like it! Great job!
  15. Great job.
  16. My wife and I took a ride to a cruise-in earlier today. Scheduled 12-4 and when we arrived at 12:15 there were less than 5 cars and only one older than 5 years. A '67 Mustang. We didn't plan to stay long anyway as we just wanted to go for a ride. Took the long way on a beautiful early fall day. 102 miles of rural secondary roads. One of the pics below is in the valley between Martinsburg, PA. and Williamsburg, PA. while the other is approaching a 90 degree railroad underpass near Spruce Creek, PA.
  17. Honda raced oval piston engines in motorcycles in 1979. See the technology here. http://world.honda.com/history/challenge/1979pistonengine/index.html Great quote associated with these engines. "When I look back at it, I'm not sure if we were experimenting with cutting-edge technologies or obsessed with foolish ideas," recalled Toshimitsu Yoshimura, an engineer involved in the development of the NR500's oval piston engine.
  18. Look forward to the updates.
  19. Great progress. Keep it up.
  20. Happy Birthday! A trophy on your car is better than a candle on a cake any day.
  21. Ouch! You and the car.
  22. Looking great!
  23. Wow! Glad you are ok.
  24. Ok, there are many ways to skin a cat. I am not a fan of using diodes so I would wire it as follows using two double pole relays. You could use one 4 pole relay but availability and cost of 4 pole 6 volt relays may be cost prohibitive. In my system both relays would be controlled by the fog light switch. Relay #1 would have two N.O. contacts supplying power to each fog light when the relay is energized with the fog light switch on and preventing power feed to the unwanted fog light when the fog light switch is off and a turn signal is activated. Relay #2 would have two N.C. contacts supplying power to each fog light when the fog light switch is off and its respective turn signal is activated. When the fog light switch is on these contacts would open preventing power flow back to the turn signals. I have attached a print of how I would wire this. This relay should work http://www.newark.com/te-connectivity-potter-brumfield/kup-14d15-6/power-relay-3pdt-6vdc-10a-plug/dp/24F2623 Not the only way to do it but just what I would do..............Tim
  25. Cool video. Thanks!
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