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Reg Evans

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Everything posted by Reg Evans

  1. Beautiful job ! The photo quality is great too.
  2. Bradly, Here's a nice one I have for sale. It's probably not show quality but it is pretty nice. I had one rechromed about 10 years ago for $75. $50 + shipping.
  3. Actually what you are probably hearing Greg is the fish laughing at me. The last time I tried fishing was about 15 years ago. I went with a friend and we stood on the same bank,used the same bait,same hooks and fished off the bottom. In 1 hour he had 6 trout and I had zero. I had had many prior fishing trips with the same results so I cast my whole pole in the water one last time and offically retired from that sport. I just enjoy cruising around enjoying the sites with friends and family and going for an occasional swim.
  4. Oh...Ha Ha Ha....Lisa had some kind of omelet and I had eggs benedict w/coffee and OJ. Had to let out the seat belts.
  5. Here's another example of bidders gone wild. One of these came in my Sweptside and I got the whole truck for only 3 times what was paid for just this radio. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260607819858&viewitem=&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT
  6. Lisa and I decided to go for a Sunday drive and out to breakfast yesterday morning. On the way back we decided to go check out Rollins Reservoir which is about 15 miles from my house. The reservoir is full and calling me .........and spring has finally sprung. Next time I'll have my boat in tow.
  7. I also scored 100%. Lucky I guess.
  8. It's funny that you should mention that Frankie. Back in the mid 80's a 10 or 11 year old boy approached me at the local fairgrounds and asked me if I was Chuck Norris. I'm afraid now if I ran into that same young man he would ask ,"Hey,aren't you Wilford Brimley" PS....Dontknowitall, Very inspirational story. Hang in there Mate ! Love that UTE.
  9. Sounds good Paul. Congrats !
  10. Don, It really is my boat and boating has always been very stimulating for me. Not sure why but after a day out on the water enjoying the fresh air and the sites I always feel 20 years younger.
  11. Neat boat Lou. Love those fins ! Question....in your 3rd photo in the background at the back of the boat.....Is that boat a RedFish? It appears to have tail fins too. It sure looks like mine.
  12. Go here and scroll to the bottom and click on the Dodge section. http://www.taillightking.com/Hood_Ornaments.htm
  13. Ditto !
  14. Have you thought of Exotic Dancing for tips at a senior home ? I'm working on my routine. If I could only find a strong enough pole.
  15. Hey Bob, My other dog ,Tootsie ,is more of the out doors type rather than an artist. She loves the water and boating. Here she is driving my 57 RedFish.
  16. Great ! I'd like to see some more photos. The yellow seemed to hold up better than the other colors because it didn't get as hot in the sun I'd guess.
  17. OR.....if you're not concerned with wind resistance,speed and gas mileage maybe something like this would work for you.
  18. Hey, nice truck color ! Signed, Ole Yeller
  19. Do you mean this one Hank? I have a new copy if you or anyone else here is interested at much less than they are asking at Amazon for a used copy. $53 including shipping.
  20. Here's a 6 volt tach I have. Can't remember where I got it right now but they are available. Try http://www.tachshack.com/
  21. I just used my parking lights for the turn signals on my truck. I couldn't get the darn arm to work correctly.
  22. I named my old yellow Dodge Ole Yeller for two reasons. The color and what you have to do to be heard by your passenger if you want to carry on a conversation while driving.
  23. Clone ? It looks like it is an original Spring Special. Thanks for posting !
  24. Go to this thread and scroll down to the chart that shows how much gain in compression ratio you can achieve by milling the head. http://www430.pair.com/p15d24/mopar_forum/showthread.php?t=15185&highlight=Head+milling
  25. Yeah, and baby thought those pretty colored beads were good eatin too.
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