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Reg Evans

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Everything posted by Reg Evans

  1. If you could find a 3 speed from a truck of the similar vintage or from an earlier car I think it would just about bolt right in. Might have to lengthen the drive shaft though. Here's a truck box from the late 40's early 50's.
  2. Very nice ! Glad to see there's a MoPar V8 under the hood of the 51. Nice looking town panel too.
  3. WHAT HANK ?!?!?!.........You've got the wrong guy....I've always smoked my chew.
  4. Ya mean like in one of them drive in picture shows with your best girl er somethin ?
  5. Isn't the steering gear box open to the atmosphere via the top of the steering column ? Wouldn't too much oil or grease just come up and out of the steering column and overflow onto your lap ?
  6. In my case my wife has us insured on her plan at work. We do have a $2000 yearly deductable.
  7. What about ......at the cabin ?
  8. I'm another August Baby Boomer that did the math and decided to start collecting my check at 62. Even though I applied 90 days before my birth date in August my first check will not arrive until 2 months after I turn 62. I've gotten use to being a non paid ,forced to retire, building contractor for the last 2.5 years because of this lousy economy so....Ah....At least in a few months I'll have a little pocket money again to spend on the old cars again. I started trading my time for money at age 12 mowing lawns and doing odd jobs so 50 years is enough already. Ditto to posts #17 and #18
  9. Yes,a great bunch of photos young man. I saved a copy of the white 35 Dodge sedan and the yellow & white 59 dodge wagon cause I have those models in different colors and always wonder what they would look like in a different color. Oh....and restored too.
  10. It appears that the electrode fell out of the center of the plug. Hope it made it out the exhaust OK.
  11. Your truck may not have one. It was an optional item. Mine doesn't either. If yours does it's on the drivers side of the block about 2/3 of the way back.
  12. Louie, Just for fun.......Send me your shipping address and I'll go to my USPS account and see what a ~24"x30"x18" box weighing 20 kilograms ( 44 lbs ) would cost to ship to you.
  13. I have shipped packages all over the globe as a result of my eBay sales. I can help you out if needed as long as the final package isn't too big or cumbersome to package and ship via USPS and you have a PayPal account.
  14. Very cool photo Charlie. I wonder if those folks ever owned any casual clothes?
  15. Here's what I found when I removed my freeze plugs because the block drain was clogged.
  16. Yes,so far only one has been found.
  17. Cooper looks very dapper.
  18. Ed has it right. The yellow truck which is mine ( '52 1/2 ton ) from about 5 years ago is the low sided bed and the black one is the high sided bed. Both US made.
  19. Looks like you all had lots of fun. What a cool place !
  20. Yes......Happy Fathers Day to All. My wife and I are headed over to my daughters house today for a BBQ with her,my son in law and the grand kids. Last night Old Yeller was treated to a bath and a little tire black for the event and will be towing a log splitter back to it's owners as soon as I am finished using it today. This father has been busy gathering wood for next winter. So, I hope my light weight tow hitch is JOB RATED for this little load.
  21. Back to the original topic ........like Merle said they were painted red. I painted the Job Rated emblem red but went with the body color for the D O D G E lettering.
  22. I like that blue a bunch Hank. Silver is correct but kinda boring now that I have seen 100's of them.
  23. In the cars and trucks of this vintage YES,all silver.
  24. Merle, Would you want to sell the spare set of gauge stickers? My bro.who lives way over in Florida is in that business and I could have him make some more if he had a pattern. We were toying with the idea a few years ago but I dropped the ball. He could make a clock face too with the proper font. Reg
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