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Reg Evans

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Everything posted by Reg Evans

  1. Never heard of one starting with an "I" but I have seen the industrial engine #'s start with an IND. Hopefully I'll learn something new today.
  2. It sounds like you measured the head correctly. Sorry but I'm stumped at this point. Stranger things have happened.
  3. Well that's good that the mystery part has been identified. Are you going to have the dents in the head milled away a little or just let it be ?
  4. Oh Boy:confused:.....now you've thrown me for a loop cause a T-172 engine is suppose to be a 218 23" engine for a 1950 1/2 or 3/4 ton truck. Not a 25" long engine. This is according to my Dodge Truck pin point parts specifier for 1941-1952 and also according to this engine list. http://www.t137.com/registry/help/otherengines/tengines.html Are you sure it measures 25" and is a T172 ?
  5. Does the head measure 23" or 25" ? Is there an engine number on the block above the driver side freeze plug up front ? It's probably the bigger 25" engine.
  6. What do you need? I have a 51 I've been parting out.
  7. I would just rotate the dist. back just enough to get rid of the spark knock.
  8. Very nice truck. You've done a beautiful job !
  9. Probably why you're still alive today Greg.
  10. I have a hub cap available. PM me if interested for a photo. Reg
  11. Here's one on eBay now. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1954-Plymouth-Plaza-3-Speed-305ci_W0QQitemZ250617274776QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUS_Cars_Trucks?hash=item3a59f42198#v4-36
  12. Yeah Fred.....snap that up quick !
  13. Well, that splains why ,when my friend drover me over to your house in his car ,no one answered. I'm back home now with Ol' Yeller thanks to the 3.0 rear end gears.
  14. The carb looks like a Carter WCFB 4 barrel and Dutch's engine is a Poly(semi hemi) V8 in a 55 Plymouth Suburban. Neat car ! I use to have one in 1968. Same color too. I agree with all the earlier suggestions. I have a similar 315 c.i. engine in my 58 Dodge Sweptside pickup. Here's some photos of Dutch's Plymouth from his Photobucket.
  15. I installed a 50 Chrysler engine in my 52 1/2 ton back in '98. Minor mods are necessary but nothing needed to the firewall. I welded some extensions on the bottom of the original front motor mount fee to reach back 2" to the mounting holes on the cross member. Moved the radiator forward 2" and had to take a nick out of the front cross member to clear the oil pan sump. And one of these days I'm going to install the Spitfire head and big truck factory manifolds.
  16. The owner needs it gone by this weekend. His name is Tom and he lives in Santa Clara,CA. Phone 408 391 0471 email tcsmithh@gmail.com If I was closer I'd go get it.
  17. Any photos of the 3rd annual BBQ. I wasn't able to make it and wondered how it turned out and how the B1-BBQ worked ?
  18. I had one just like Bob's mounted on the railing of my patio boat. It only had 2 wires so I hooked one to ground and the other to a toggle switch on the pos. side.( no relay ) Worked for years. The grand kids loved it. The wife didn't. She didn't like my big truck air horns either.
  19. What store chain ?
  20. I google earthed Stanley Idaho and there is an Ace of Diamonds Street with a restaurant called the Kasino Club. Maybe the same building.
  21. Nice work. I like that color alot.
  22. Congrats on getting her ready to roll. ENJOY the resurrection !
  23. Go to the top of this page ,click on "search" and type in wheel puller or brake drum etc. and you'll find many threads like this. http://www430.pair.com/p15d24/mopar_forum/showthread.php?t=17475&highlight=wheel+puller
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