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Reg Evans

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Everything posted by Reg Evans

  1. Here's one on a slightly newer mopar. http://goldenstate.ply33.com/downloads/JRomey_1950_Plymouth_Trailer_Hitch.pdf
  2. Actually Ed,I didn't like the way it ran with the 2 bbl. Too rich or a vacuum leak er something so instead of removing the 2 bbl manifold I installed a 1 to 2 bbl adapter upside down so I could run my new Stromberg 1 bbl. Sort of a mini velocity stack.
  3. I also hook up my charger this way when charging the battery in my cars with the battery under the seat or floor. Much less hassle.
  4. I believe Dodge cars went from a 218 to 230 in 42.
  5. Fred, Here's a shot of the engine right after I installed the headers and a 2 bbl intake manifold. The engine seemed to be running too rich with the 2 bbl so I installed a 1 bbl to 2 bbl adapter upside down so I could install my new Stromberg 1 bbl. Passenger side Dual exhaust before I went back to have a cross over installed trying to get rid of the annoying angry trombone sound.
  6. Amen to this moose. Especially the last part about mufflers. I installed the Langdon cast iron headers on my 42 Dodge coupe with a 230 and had the muffler man install 2 18" long Magnaflow mufflers right before the rear axle with a cross over up front. The car sounds great until about 1800 rpms when it suddenly breaks into what I call "dueling angry trombones". Very annoying and not music to my ears. This noise persists from about 1800 thru 3200 rpms. As soon as I can I'll be installing more conventional mufflers. The headers with dual exhaust and .050 off the head did increase the power noticeably.
  7. Cpt Fred, The largest 23" engine would be the 230. It can be bored out to approx. a 245 (maybe more) without causing any overheating problems. You will notice a big difference in power over the 201 with its smaller valves and port size.
  8. Yes, I didn't say yours was for a 55,56,or 57 car. They are much larger and very different than yours. In all my looking around at hood ornaments I still haven't seen one just like yours but the one Townwagon is selling on eBay is the closest so far.
  9. You are correct Fernando. There are slight differences but the overall shape looks the same to me. I have never seen any type of gasket between a hood ornament and the hood on any old truck or car.
  10. OK, According to Collectors Auto Supply the hood ornament is for a Dodge car 53-54 Dge D43-44-46-47-48 According to Townwagon on eBay it fits these models. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/54-55-56-57-Dodge-Sweptside-Pickup-Truck-Hood-Ornament-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem5ad9e82475QQitemZ390202926197QQptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories
  11. Fernando, There should also be a part number too. We might be able to identify it with that number. Does it have one ?
  12. No. If you get the bottom heel adjustment just right and then try and adjust the toe the heel will be doing the work only. You really need the official tool or a home made one to get it right.
  13. Flattie 46, Speaking of getting smoked. This is a photo of my grandson holding his catch from the same lake I have never caught a fish from. I guess some people are just natural born fisherman. The fish is almost as long as the pole he was using.
  14. My guess would be yes but the wheels are 20" so you'd have to use the 1.5 ton fenders with the bigger wheel openings.
  15. A hay hauler ? Is it a big truck ? 1.5 ton rating or more ? If so it'll have the longer 25" engine with more cubes.
  16. Yup....what Young Ed said.
  17. Well....that's a 41-47 COE so I wouldn't expect that to match the one you have. I was thinking maybe a 53,54 or 55 maybe.
  18. If you are curious as to how many cubic inches the engine has you can remove the small plug over #6 cylinder and measure the total stroke of the piston with a piece if stiff wire. For the 23" long engine a 218 should have a stroke of 4 3/8" and a 230 will be 4 5/8"
  19. Congrats to you and Lisa Don ! Like Bob said. You cleaned up well. I just celebrated my 37th anniversary of divorce from #1 and my 17th anniversary of divorce from #2 and my 15th wedding anniversary with Lisa. I finally found a good woman the 3rd time around.
  20. I agree with this advice too. I'd button it back up and run it up to operating temp. Then pour small amounts of water in the carb while it is running at approx. 2000 rpm's to remove all that carbon buildup. Dropping and cleaning out the oil pan is a good idea too. Don't spend money yet. You might not need to.
  21. Fernando, I've seen a lot of Dodge ram hood ornaments but I've never seen that one. I don't think it's for a truck unless maybe it's for a COE truck. Anybody recognize this one?
  22. No help here. Just wanted to say congrats on getting it running again and surprising your Dad. I have been having a similar problem lately with the gas gauge in my 52 converted to 12 volts over 10 years ago. It worked fine until 6 months ago when the needle started to only register full until I drive for a while and use up a gallon of gas. Then the needle starts jumping from E to F. If I'm not moving it will stay on the E after using about a gallon but when I start driving the needle slams from E to F hard enough that I can hear the needle hitting the little stop pegs on the gauge. What up with that
  23. Nice job. Is this another case of earning 50% on the dollar ?
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