OK Dale....
left to right in the 2nd photo.
35 Dodge Sedan...38 Dodge Bizzy Coupe...42 Dodge Bizzy Coupe...49 Plym. Suburban...52 Dodge 1/2 ton...58 Dodge 1/2 ton Sweptside...59 Dodge Sierra Wagon.
That's easy....7 days in a week and 7 vehicles.
Buds Truck,
Uh...I'm gonna have to say....Um....NO !
By the time I charged some of the batteries and moved them outside my brother showed up and we went to a long lunch. Then after getting back around 2:00 my wife got home early. I only got to sweep one bay so today I'll have to start all over again.
Grey Beard,
Before the economy died here I had about 20 of them. Oh well, at least I have more available parking around here than I use to.