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Reg Evans

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Everything posted by Reg Evans

  1. Hey....thanks for getting me back on track. I started out cleaning my garage this morning and found myself here for some reason.
  2. Buy all means. You are welcome here ! Any photos of your truck would be welcome too.
  3. Mine are Federal MS 30x9.50R15 and about 29" in diameter. Pretty aggressive tread that sings on the freeway.
  4. Here's a 2 tone D22 from a sales brochure for 1942 and also color charts for 2 tone options for Dodge anyway. Paint chips for 42
  5. Congratulations Ed ! Seriously.....Here's to many,many years of marital bliss !
  6. Oh....Oh.....Oh yeah. I'll be there as soon as possible.
  7. OK !....Great !.....Thanks Ed ! I'll accept PayPal for the 10K dn. pmt.
  8. Here's a nice little ' 54 with a sweet little 241 V8. Anyone need a house ,large barn,or garage built ? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220602571376&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT
  9. FYI Tim you made me LOL but now I'm COL cause I want that T&C
  10. That was me asking about the P. He says I made a mistake. I guess I have lying eyes when they see a big P across from #5 plug.
  11. Flatie46, It's the "or Something" .....My grandkids call me Grandpa Dodge or just Dodge sometimes when their in a hurry.
  12. Don't press hard. Might leave tooth marks !!!!
  13. I just checked my MoPar Model 801 and it has the tapered knob. Then I checked my 49 Plymouth radio and it has the same type. I have seen the other type of knob on some of the other vertical dial radios too though. Here's a radio with the other style.
  14. Hello Fernando, The spring weather is finally nice here lately. High 60's to low 70's finally after a long stretch of rainy days and colder temps. Maybe someone else can answer your question regarding the door handle return spring. I've never had to fiddle with one. Reg
  15. Hi Trev, Welcome to the forum. Your truck looks most like our US Built 1954 1 ton flat bed although some of the details on the grill and dash board are different than any US models. I say 1954 because the windshield looks like our 54 model did here for one year only. In 55 and later the windshield wrapped around the cab a little more and the three back windows were not available any more. An oil filter was optional on these engines so it's not uncommon to find an engine without one. I do see something on the firewall in your air cleaner photo that might be an oil filter. That would be where an oil filter would be located on US models from 55 on. Here's a photo of my late 55/early 56 Dodge 1 ton flat bed for comparison.
  16. That'll be a nice one when you are done. Were the interior pieces from a kit or custom made ? I live in Grass Valley about an hour north east of Sacramento.
  17. dkopesky, I've become really proficient in siphoning gas back and forth in these cars cause some of their gauges aren't working and I hate walking back home. Thanks RobertKB, Yeah....I like J Lo's looks alot !
  18. 49Dodgeboy, Do you have any photos of your 54 wagon you could post ?
  19. Hang on there Tim......you're my hero There aren't as many down there as there use to be.
  20. Maybe the O.D. of the tire.
  21. I've added on to the original garage 3 times and it's still not big enough. I guess they never are or I'm just a sick sob.
  22. Sure Rockwood....ex-Brothers-in Law always welcome....just don't bring the ex-Mother-in-Law.
  23. Google Earth
  24. OK Dale.... left to right in the 2nd photo. 35 Dodge Sedan...38 Dodge Bizzy Coupe...42 Dodge Bizzy Coupe...49 Plym. Suburban...52 Dodge 1/2 ton...58 Dodge 1/2 ton Sweptside...59 Dodge Sierra Wagon. 40plyrod, That's easy....7 days in a week and 7 vehicles. Buds Truck, Uh...I'm gonna have to say....Um....NO ! Don, By the time I charged some of the batteries and moved them outside my brother showed up and we went to a long lunch. Then after getting back around 2:00 my wife got home early. I only got to sweep one bay so today I'll have to start all over again. Grey Beard, Before the economy died here I had about 20 of them. Oh well, at least I have more available parking around here than I use to. Hank, Thanks
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