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Reg Evans

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Everything posted by Reg Evans

  1. What's Hanks next project ?
  2. Oh....I'm glad all my dogs have been mini doxie's !
  3. Maybe a few drops of super glue and a 24hr wait would help with that.
  4. Sorry. I feel your pain. Been through it many times.
  5. That's the type I have with my 12' ceiling. The hump on the floor is only about 1" tall and not a problem to roll over.
  6. Credit where credit is due. Tod Fitch posted those photos.
  7. No, I'm not using a hot water heat plate on my manifold.
  8. My ceiling is 12' high and I have not had a height problem yet with my cars or trucks. My lift is a 9000 #. I added some earth quake stays at the top of mine for a little peace of mind since I live in Calif. Here's my 35 Dodge on the lift for brake bleeding. It's not all the way up but it could be.
  9. I have the Langdon headers on my 42 Dodge coupe and am running the stock fuel pump.
  10. Here's a photo of the fender filler. Steele Rubber Products supplies them.
  11. Welcome to the group ! That's cool that you have your Granddad's truck. For gauges PM B1BKeven. He should have what you need.
  12. wth......Does this mean you don't want to dwell on the original subject matter.....lol
  13. I think you could get one up to about 6000 rpm for a second or two.
  14. Wow !.....I wonder what the previous owner used on my '33 Plymouth. He said he painted on wide whites in 1958 and it was still mostly there when I got the car in 2015.
  15. Nope, the 116" wb trucks had a one piece driveshaft.
  16. Yes Tim, the 48-50 bumpers were different than the 51-53's. The 48-50's had a license plate bracket located on the top of the bumper on the drivers side and the 51-53's had slotted holes in the center face of the bumper. The center was flat too and was framed with a raised bump on either side. Also the 51-53 had the guards mounted more to the center of the bumper.
  17. Your 40 Plym deluxe should have had a P10 engine. The P15 is from a 46-48 Plym
  18. Welcome.......nice truck !
  19. Hey !!!!! That's the sought after Bulls Eye headlight. Wanna sell ?
  20. I think I have a set of 3 styles of Plymouth caps.  From $80 to $100 per set depending on condition.

    You can email me directly for photos if you like.


    Thanks, Reg

  21. Yeah, I should have said let me compare apples to oranges.
  22. Well, let me throw a wrench into the works. I installed a 50 Chrysler 251 in my 52 1/2 ton with a stock 4 on the floor and a 3.0 1965 T-Bird rear end. The engine is stock and was rebuilt maybe 25,000 miles and 20 years ago. I have no trouble going up hills or keeping up with traffic. Granny 1st is still a stump puller so I rarely use it. I wouldn't change a thing now with this truck except maybe the noisy knobby treaded tires.
  23. From 48 - 50 the wipers rested to the outside of the windshield. The Grey Mare From 51-53 they rested at the bottom of the windshield. Old Yeller
  24. According to legend, Navajo women learned to weave from a spiritual medicine woman who learned the craft from a celestial spider. Anthropologists have placed the more earthly origins of the craft in the hands of early Pueblo people, who themselves were influenced by the early Spanish colonists/explorers. Whatever the origin of this distinct Native America art form, Navajo wool blankets and rugs have always been symbols of the rugged Southwest. From 1940 until 1942, arguably the height of popularity for Southwest Indian crafts, Chrysler adopted the Navajo weaving style for an unusual and exclusive interior Highlander trim package. According to the folks at Howstuffworks.com, this now rare and highly desirable model sold for a showroom price of $1,255-1,548. THANKS GOOGLE !
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