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Reg Evans

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Everything posted by Reg Evans

  1. Hey, that gives me an idea to correct the listing to port on my 33 Plymouth. Maybe I can find a taller shackle that would correct this condition. I corrected this condition on a 40 Plymouth I owned by installing 1 air shock on the drivers side but this 33 Plymouth has the earlier lever action shocks. Thanks for your discovery !
  2. Yes they should be #1 or #0
  3. I think that is Calf butt grease on his sleeve.
  4. Have you checked your vacuum advance ?
  5. Maybe your vacuum advance is not working.
  6. I see a lot of silicon goo on the base of the carb. Did the vacuum port on the base of the carb get clogged ?
  7. She's a real beauty ! You're a lucky man and I am a jealous one. It's the first year of the Functional Design Era....1954-56
  8. Isn't the hole in the lower firewall for the high/low beam switch ?
  9. Well, I bought the Gray Mare here locally in around 1991 from an older man that had owned it for many years. It was sitting in his back yard for years and was visible from the road where I drove almost daily. I stopped in one day and asked if he would sell and he said yes so I asked if $500 would buy it and he said yes again. He said it would run and drive so I brought some gas and a battery and got it running. My brother and I were amazed at how it drove up out of the ruts in the dirt it had created from sitting for so long. My brother followed me home for the 5 mile trip and it never skipped a beat. It was equipped with fluid drive but I had not heard about fluid drives before and thought there must be something very wrong with the trans. I used it occasionally in my construction business and even drove it to Reno over the summit a few times to visit Lisa. I had to buy chains in Truckee on one trip and drove home in the dark during a snow storm. The heater was warm and the lights were bright ! I really liked that fluid drive but ended up selling it to a man and his daughter from Colorado around 1999. I miss that one.
  10. Oh cool ! Who owns this truck ? Oh wait, I just saw Tim's post. I had that rack made for The Gray Mare and used it for many years....very sturdy.
  11. Oh....that was a niceun ! Did I sell it to you ?
  12. Hey, George Brothers Dodge ! Who owns the red truck with that company sign on the door? There was a Dealership here in Grass Valley from the 20's through the 60's by that name. Does it say Grass Valley on it ?
  13. Here's Old Yeller with a truck in the bed 1998. Old yeller hauling urban firewood from a job site 2003. And Old Yellers cousin hauling firewood too. Date unknown.
  14. Yes they do. I have a set for my 33 Plym and another set for my 39 Chrysler just waiting for me to get a round tuit.
  15. Yes. go here. http://www.langdonsstovebolt.com/store/#!/Exhaust-Headers/c/18665943/offset=0&sort=normal
  16. The serial number makes it a 51 1.5 ton with a 236 engine.
  17. I have a tall one for the flanged type air horn but there is no provision for the support arm to the head. PM if interested
  18. Success !
  19. Yes, your tail light bulb is grounded to the body. Sounds like the spring behind the license plate bulb is stuck or rusted away.
  20. Here's my vote....... Keep it all MoPar !
  21. It's been in my experience that here in California a dump truck is much more expensive to insure and license. In the past (20 years ago)I have owned 2 dump trucks and 2 1.5 ton flat beds.
  22. In my opinion if the car was free it would still be over priced.
  23. You are almost always money ahead to buy one already completed.
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