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Reg Evans

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Everything posted by Reg Evans

  1. Here's mine on Old Yeller. Mounted with a home made bracket. No need to modify the fender even on a low side short bed.
  2. Here's a photo of the spring anchor point on my trucks floor board. I'm not using it but it's still there.
  3. You're right Ed. Please send 50K right away before Knuckleharley outbids you.
  4. Maybe you could just move to CA then.
  5. I just drilled a hole in the center divider and installed it there. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v154/olddodges1/Pilot%20House%20Trucks/MVC-002F.jpg[/IMG]
  6. I had one of those made for my 52 ( Old Yeller ) and then found out I couldn't use it because the E brake stuff was in the way.
  7. No, they rubbed on the front on a tight turn so I doped down to 650/16......... but I think 700/16's would have worked.
  8. I have 750/16's on the rear of my 42 D22 Coupe and they fit fine. Bought them from Diamondback.
  9. Where's the crud coming from. Did you ever clean out the gas tank ?
  10. Oh, I'm about 1.5hrs north east of you in Grass Valley. Welcome !
  11. Nice car !!! Where in NorCal do you live ? I'm in NorCal too.
  12. My experience with it was in the mid 70's. Did they also warn against using it on plastic tail light lenses ?
  13. If I had an old crazed lens I would be trying it right now. The #4 glue is the viscosity of water. I use to build aquariums out of acrylic and this glue would make the cloudy seams disappear.
  14. I wonder if this stuff would soak into the cracks and make them disappear. https://www.amazon.com/Weld-Acrylic-Adhesive-Applicator-Bottle/dp/B0096TWKCW
  15. There are several on eBay http://www.ebay.com/itm/Plymouth-Dodge-DeSoto-Thermostat-36-37-38-39-40-46-47-48-49-50-51-NOS-MoPar-/172160013028?hash=item28158952e4:g:P50AAOSwy5ZXBmIt&vxp=mtr
  16. The P23 is a 218 from a 52 Plymouth. Use this site for future engine id. http://www.t137.com/registry/help/otherengines/pengines.html
  17. Check the classifieds !
  18. You say Yep....I say Yup
  19. Yes, I call it engine chili.
  20. The dash unit is the Mopar radio.
  21. I feel your pain. I had a similar situation happen to me in the late 70's when I was reproducing speedometer and gauge faces. A so called friend was stealing my art work and making them too.
  22. Over the years I have come across a couple of originals with this redish/purple color. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v154/olddodges1/Pilot%20House%20Trucks/MVC-004F-6.jpg[/IMG]
  23. One of these ? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Starter-Switch-Foot-operated-replaces-JD-1932850-AR11115-Delco-early-6-12-volt-/271581871400?hash=item3f3b8a7d28:g:ErgAAOSw7NNT9EuT
  24. Santa Rosa ???? I live in Grass Valley young man.
  25. Hey Paul. What's Hanks current project?
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