Of the 2095 kwh's used by both houses the tenant used 880. I have a sub meter on the rental unit so I can bill the tenant. He is a new tenant going on month 2. The previous tenant,my daughter ,was averaging 220 over a 14 month period so I was very surprised to see how much he was using. I questioned him about his high usage and he told me he was running elect. heaters in several rooms trying to save on his propane bill. And another elect. heater in the garage for his two dogs.
Here's the rest of the story. This morning I happened to notice the basement window looked very dark so I went down there for a closer look. The window has black plastic taped over it so I unlocked the door and peered in. Well, I'll be !.... the guy is into agriculture and is running a very large grow light,a fan and a humidifier. Mystery solved !!!! I don't really care what he does at his house but when it costs me extra on my elect. bill he's gonna have to pay for the higher category of kwh's.
Hummmmm....how do I put this to him without becoming an accomplice?
I'm still baffled though why my house used 1200kwh when I've unplugged the hot tub,garage refer,elect clocks,and stopped using the forced air furnace. Last years bill for the same month was only 940 kwh's for both houses and I was using the items I've unplugged this year.
Can a meter go bad and register false readings ?