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Reg Evans

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Everything posted by Reg Evans

  1. Greg, A couple of days ago I did ask my power supplier if a meter could be inaccurate and the guy there told me that the meters either work correctly or they don't work at all. Hummmmmm. So I guess I shouldn't just accept that eh?
  2. Hey yeah Don.....either I make a bunch of $$$$ or I go to the big house and the tax payers will take care of my utility bills.
  3. Could it be seized if I didn't know about it ?
  4. My cars and trucks are all drivers or less than drivers.
  5. Of the 2095 kwh's used by both houses the tenant used 880. I have a sub meter on the rental unit so I can bill the tenant. He is a new tenant going on month 2. The previous tenant,my daughter ,was averaging 220 over a 14 month period so I was very surprised to see how much he was using. I questioned him about his high usage and he told me he was running elect. heaters in several rooms trying to save on his propane bill. And another elect. heater in the garage for his two dogs. Here's the rest of the story. This morning I happened to notice the basement window looked very dark so I went down there for a closer look. The window has black plastic taped over it so I unlocked the door and peered in. Well, I'll be !.... the guy is into agriculture and is running a very large grow light,a fan and a humidifier. Mystery solved !!!! I don't really care what he does at his house but when it costs me extra on my elect. bill he's gonna have to pay for the higher category of kwh's. Hummmmm....how do I put this to him without becoming an accomplice? I'm still baffled though why my house used 1200kwh when I've unplugged the hot tub,garage refer,elect clocks,and stopped using the forced air furnace. Last years bill for the same month was only 940 kwh's for both houses and I was using the items I've unplugged this year. Can a meter go bad and register false readings ?
  6. My billing rate is broken down into 5 different kwh's used categories. The first 425 kwh's cost me $0.115 The next 127 cost .............$0.13 The next 198 cost .............$0.255 The next 425 cost .............$0.36 The last 827 cost .............$0.425 My total kwh's used last month was 2095 which is a lot but I'm running two houses on one meter. My house and a small rental cottage. Anyone here feel like digging out their bill to compare kwh charges ? Is there an electrical engineer in the house? The power to my house is run underground in a conduit. I installed this 300' line about 12 years ago in very rocky ground. Is it possible for this conduit to have separated allowing a sharp rock to penetrated the insulation slightly causing a small but constant loss of elect. power into the ground ?????
  7. My 4 year old Gateway says it draws 105 amps max and the flat screen monitor says 1.6 amps. I too over time have replaced all my incandescent bulbs with the mini florescent ones. 2 months ago I turned off the forced air furnace and burned wood for heat, cut the power to my hot tub,unplugged a small garage refer,neon garage clock,and cut way back on what lighting we do use. Over the last 2 months my bill after all these cuts has averaged $242 for electric only. So I'm curious.....what are you guys paying on the average for elec. per month. Am I being gouged by being charged an average of $.25 per kwh?
  8. I got a very large power bill this month and am trying to shrink that down this month. I went on Pacific Gas and Electrics web site and took an energy audit of my house. In every category but one they had no suggestions. Their only suggestion was to turn off my computer at night. They said I could save about $35 per month. Can this be true? I've been leaving it on standby for years.
  9. The stroke for a 251 is 4.5 and the 265 is 4.75". Other parts should be the same.
  10. Well....let me sleep on it first. I may change my mind about selling. Bwah Ha Ha Ha ha.
  11. Wow...what a coincidence. I had that same dream but I was the seller and the check bounced. Sure was glad when I woke up.
  12. Wow Tony, That's a beauty. The cab and windshield look like the 1954 Pilot houses here in the US. I have a 59 Dodge Station Wagon with a 361 engine. It's rated at 295 hp with a 2bbl and single exhaust and 325 hp with a 4 bbl and dual exhaust. Great engines.
  13. If it's a really loud hissing check your vindshield vipers too
  14. I've been buying tires since the mid 60's for various old cars and never paid attention to what type of machine they were using to mount the tires with. I'm not aware of any of the rims being bent by the machines they were using either. I do try and position myself in the shop so I can eyeball the rim and tire while it is spinning on the balancing machine to see if there is any excess wobble. Lately I've been going to Les Schwab and Big O. What type of machine should I look out for again ?
  15. Here's the authentic original silver paint color after only 74 years of use on my 35 Dodge.
  16. This is on the subject of Hard To Start cars after they have sat for a few days. For many years I've struggled with starting my cars after they have sat idle for a few days. I could spin the engine over and over continuously while fluttering the gas pedal until the battery died trying to get gas back up to the carb. So....instead of draining the battery I kept a squirt bottle of gas on hand and opened the hood and primed the carb before even attempting to start the engine on any of my cars. Last year Don mentioned on one of the Hard To Start threads that he would hit the starter for a few revs.....wait for a few seconds and do it again.....wait for a few more seconds and do it again....repeat this a few more times and varoom his car would start. I have to admit I was a bit skeptical but I tried it the other day on my old 35 Dodge and by gosh by golly, it started !!!!! So, I went around the garage repeating this procedure with my other cars and it worked with them too !!!! Sooooooo Don. Thanks for the tip! This old dog learned a new trick.
  17. You are right. Shoulda waited for my coffee to kick in before I posted.
  18. I saw it on eBay but it didn't reach the reserve. Are you the seller? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Ellis-Aluminum-Dualpower-Manifold-Intake-2x1-Stromberg_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trkparmsZ66Q3a2Q7c65Q3a13Q7c39Q3a1Q7c240Q3a1318QQ_trksidZp3286Q2ec0Q2em14QQhashZitem300297851330QQitemZ300297851330QQptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories
  19. I stopped buying the carb cleaners when I discovered lacquer thinner was much faster in dissolving the gunk.
  20. We just filed ours yesterday. This is the first year in 35 years of self employment that I showed a loss on my schedule C. Sorry....just venting.
  21. Say.....I'm available for adoption.
  22. Yup
  23. To each their own. I'd love to be related to this man. To me it would be a dream come true to be responsible for going through all his treasure after his passing.
  24. Where's the fender skirts, mud flaps, rear bumper guards, curb feelers, flags, jeweled valve stem covers, and the 4th suicide knob ?
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