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Reg Evans

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Everything posted by Reg Evans

  1. My 35 Dodge with it's original 218 engine came to me with the smaller bore carb. I replaced the carb with a larger bore Stromberg and had to have the mounting holes elongated inward to fit the smaller bore intake studs. You can see the outside of the original hole in this photo. Working fine.
  2. Here's a glass bowl if you want to go that way. Not mine. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260364519261&sspagename=ADME%3AB%3ASS%3AUS%3A1123&viewitem= Or , I have this one I removed a few months ago to installed an elec. pump. It's nearly new and was working fine. $25
  3. I think someone is or was making the sliding window channel for the Town Wagons......or ,I had a dream. They are very similar to the Suburbans. You might check with the guys on this forum. http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/tw-list/
  4. Have you verified your speed with a hand held GPS? My truck speedo with an Ford 3.0 says I'm going 50 when really I'm going 60.
  5. Well thanks Tom. Where do I send the $ ? Any more progress on that cool chopped top Suburban ?
  6. Whenever I start an engine that has been sitting for a long time I run it on a mixture of gas and 2 cycle oil or Marvel Mystery Oil. The MMO will help loosen stuck rings and valves.
  7. I have several. PM me. Reg
  8. Hi Dennis, Did you get my PM earlier yesterday regarding the gauges and stuff? Thanks, Reg
  9. Thanks Ed......I just poured another Cup A Joe.
  10. Oh well Ed....I was collecting all this stuff for a rainy day. I wasn't anticipating Noahs Flood though. In your auction.....please explain this "The lense in the bottom is egg shaped and I think the OEM mopar ones were rectangular." Maybe I just need more coffee.
  11. The Abominable Snowman has finally been tracked down in Tennessee living among us all. ...........................Friends & Neighbors had suspected for years.
  12. Yes....not a problem.....I have just the truck in mind.
  13. 8 of my truck related items are ending today. Here's one of them. Click on sellers other items for the rest. Thanks http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120375725805&sspagename=STRK%3AMESELX%3AIT&viewitem= Bid ofter and bid high. Grandpa needs a new pair of shoes.
  14. Here's a shot of my wife,sister in law and myself at a truck show in Plymouth,Ca. a couple of years ago.
  15. It's a winter wonderland here in Sunny California too. I woke up to this view and a power outage. Been running the generator all day and burning lots of wood in the stove.
  16. "I'm not sure if some folks on the "truck side" were aware of the concensus of opinion regarding not posting listings......as it is not a written rule of the forum. All I was saying is: I was included in the thing about not posting listings, but it isn't going to make me stay away......I'll just try to go with the flow." Actually Bob, I think the majority of those surveyed thought it was OK to post an eBay listing.
  17. She's a beauty ! Keep the L6
  18. Tim, I called him yesterday and he has removed the doors. I'll go get them in Colfax in the next few weeks. We have a few inches of snow here right now and more to come tomorrow maybe. His house is located up a very steep and long road.
  19. Dear idiot;) A MoPar model 607 or 609 radio will fit right into your factory dash cutout. These are pretty common radios and came in 51-53 Dodge and Plymouths. Zeke,on this forum,has the only 610T radio ever made and he ain't letting go of it.
  20. Yes it does...and so does the external engine. Hey Tim...I just remembered that about a year ago I sold a 47 1/2 ton frame to an a guy that I built a house for. Attached to the frame was a good cab with doors. He was suppose to call me when he removed the cab so I could go pick it up. I'll give him a call.
  21. Welcome Bob, After you get her running and stopping reliably a new set of radial tires will make a big difference in handling. Also the tallest radial tire you can find will help in the trucks cruising speed.
  22. Yes Ed.............or he'd have 1.95 trucks.
  23. Tim, I'm going to list this truck kit on eBay eventually. Any interest in the whole thing ? Reg
  24. Hey Tom, Glad you made it to the group ! I'm sure someone here will answer your questions on door rubber and window felt.
  25. Maybe someone here on the forum lives closer to it and could take a look for you. Nelson ,rest his soul,did that for me on a car I was interested in a few years back.
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