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Reg Evans

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Everything posted by Reg Evans

  1. And here it is sometime after that photo Don. And it's got a Hemi !
  2. And here it is sometime after that photo Don.
  3. The truck looks like a 54. That would be the first year for a V8 in the trucks and the V8 symbol is a little different than the 55-56 V8's. You can just baraley make out the horizontal tips on each side of the V.
  4. I looked at this pair of Roadsters several momths back. The owner wanted $3500 for the pair. Too bad I was doughless.
  5. Yeah.....I guess I should have bought one of these. http://www.northerntool.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_6970_200365169_200365169 instead of this one. Next life maybe.
  6. It works great for those types of tools. While sandblasting though it sort of peters out after a minute or two. Still blasts but not as good. I have found that if I set the pressure at about 80lbs instead of full blast it'll put out a more consistent amount of sand but the compressor does run full time. I wonder how may CFM's you need to run one of the typical lb blaster pots at full bore for an extended period of time?
  7. OK, so that works out to be 3.137 HP. Gee....maybe I should divide the CFM's by 2 also.
  8. So, after reading the link posted by Rockwood I'm still not sure what the true HP rating of my compressor is and the true CFM output is. It's a Campbell Hausfeld upright with a 60 gallon tank. The label says AVG SCFM 10.3 at 90 psi. I don't think it really puts that much air out when I am sandblasting. What does the S in SCFM mean anyhow?
  9. Mine had a hole on the passenger side cowl from a past life so that's where my antenna went.
  10. Bob, I see by your profile photo why you broke your 1st and 2nd cars. Looks like you have a tendency to get a little squirrelly eh?
  11. Me too Mario. I think you'll have to cut a center circle out of the eBay ones just at the bottom of the convex circle.
  12. It's been 30 years. I never dealt with Scott Young Sr., just Scott Young Jr. He use to sell my reproductions at various local swap meets. He would remember me of course. I talked to Sr. a few years ago and I got no respect.
  13. Welcome to the forum Karl. Nice car. FYI.....your car originally was equipped with a 218 c.i. engine with a compression ratio of 6.5 and was rated at 87 hp. The D34 engine is from a 1950 Dodge Meadowbrook or Coronet and is a 230 ci engine with 7.0 c.r. rated at 103 hp. So ,you've got 16 more horses under the hood !!! A Dodge truck engine number would start with a T.
  14. Ed, I use to make and sell instrument faces and odometer lettering back in the late 70's. Sold the business to these guys. Maybe they are still doing the odometer lettering. http://www.showcarquality.com/dashGlass.htm
  15. Those are glass marble reflectors. 14 marbles in each one.
  16. A car with an optional high output generator.
  17. That style only matches the 48-50 gauges. The 51-53 have a different colored background. Isn't the speedo dial a little concave with a raised circle in the center. And then there's the cutout for the odometer with it's concaved edges.
  18. Me too Ben. I hope you saved that stuff and will sell me the linkage. I have the carb and intake but no linkage.
  19. Here's mine. Oak with stainless nuts and bolts.
  20. Something like these Dave. Could have been similar vintage DPCD. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1949-1950-1951-PLYMOUTH-DODGE-DESOTO-CHRYSLER-ARM-RESTS_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trkparmsZ66Q3a2Q7c65Q3a13Q7c39Q3a1Q7c240Q3a1318QQ_trksidZp3286Q2ec0Q2em14QQhashZitem370168005333QQitemZ370168005333QQptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories
  21. I have some nice NOS B & B's available but they are much more than 20-30 bucks.
  22. Yeah, I learned a long time ago that if I can't pay for it now I really don't have to have it now.
  23. Check out passenger vans in the junk yards. Some of them have a large uninterrupted expanse of headliner.
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