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Reg Evans

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Everything posted by Reg Evans

  1. Sure does Greg. Guess that's why those grill bars survived all these years. They are usually all beat to HE double L
  2. Man Mario...that's one tough truck! I see you have the factory "Heavy 1/2 Ton" overloads on the rear. Yessiree.......Kinda reminds me of the time I was up near Saragossa and picked up a 1/2 cord of wet oak in my Bizzy Coupe.
  3. While you're at photoshopping try one with the top removed ( roadster style) and another ,if ya want to get really crazy,with 12 or more inches added instead of chopped.
  4. Mine had the clock option too a few years ago. That's about the 4th time I have seen that.
  5. No Flames.....ever.
  6. It's the same. Trough to the outside.
  7. Yeah, it looks like a front bumper.
  8. An exterior sun visor,rear bumper possibly,fresh air heater,great grill pieces,grill guard,rear fender step,ash tray,and a clock. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Dodge-Other-Pickups-49-Dodge-D100-pickup-pilothouse-cab-visor-project-truck_W0QQitemZ250378716400QQihZ015QQcategoryZ6197QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  9. Both Old Yeller (1952) and Older Yeller (1950) have the original rubber on the doors. The trough is pointing up. This is a photo of the passenger door top on Older Yeller.
  10. I wonder why they did that ? That's good news to me though cause I have a 38 1/2 ton without it's engine and I have a 241 ci 25" truck engine without a home. Thanks for the info D37.
  11. I just called Claude and he's going to send some more photos of the trucks. Thanks for the heads up !
  12. Yes, I thought of that but then I wouldn't be able to drive Old Yeller.
  13. Dan, Nothing goes on the interior where Merle's over the shoulder belts are mounted. Those pieces are painted metal. You should be able to make that pattern work by not cutting out the inside portion of the corner window part. If I had a truck without the corner windows I could do it for you. Let me know if you need more help.
  14. 37 Dodge, Wouldn't a 25" long block be either a 236 or a 251 ci engine. Wasn't the 218 a 23" long engine? Randy, Did you find the engine number just above the front freeze plug on the drivers side?
  15. Hey, I wonder if he would deliver the grey one on his way down to the BBQ ?
  16. CAUTION.........I cleaned and lubed one so well once that it didn't have enough resistance left to hold the throttle open to the desired position.
  17. OK...now I see them. Yessir....they are parts alright.
  18. Better hurry and use those patterns Dan. I used ink that disappears in 12 months and 1 day;) When I made mine I glued vinyl on upholstery board and then took them to an upholstery shop and had him stitch around the edges and add some piping. They are still holding up after over 13 years. I made this interior for a 50 Truck I had but removed it before I sold it to install in Old Yeller. I made the door panels go all the way to the bottom of the door for more sound deadening.
  19. No photo Bob
  20. That's really nice ! Looks like maybe a reworked panel truck or a military carryall. Looks like a Stude hood ornament.
  21. Mine too. Hey, Suddensix.....does your face look like mine while gazing into your caps or did my plastic surgeon really mess up?
  22. That doesn't look like the right tank to me.
  23. Soak it for a while in PB Blaster or something equal to that.
  24. I have JB welded studs on emblems that were broken off.
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