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Reg Evans

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Everything posted by Reg Evans

  1. There are more freeze plugs on the rear and front of the block. Change all of them now while it's easy. NAPA has them. See if you can find brass ones.
  2. That would be a fun one to make a motor home out of.
  3. Check the wire inside the distributer. I had one that was shorting out when the vac advance kicked in. Took a while to find out what was causing my @#$%^&*()_ miss at higher rpm's.
  4. Some 1.5 ton Dodge trucks had a 236.? long block in 46-47. Maybe it's one of those.
  5. I hope he doesn't put it in 4 wheel drive. I think the difference in tire sizes wouldn't be too good for the transfer case.
  6. Hey Thanks Ken. I have 4 engines and several heads on the garage floor now so I'm going to take the chart out there to see if the numbers agree with the engine numbers stamped on the blocks.
  7. Dave, I got the 2 knobs on eBay. Don't be scared. Here are a couple of examples in Bunns B series book. One setup has only 2 knobs and the other (route van)has 3 knobs with a different looking AIR knob. The 4th hole is plugged. Then I saw this part on eBay last week but passed it up because of the price. It's only a 3 holer. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/NOS-1940-41-42-46-Plymouth-Dodge-Heater-Truck-Mopar-rod_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trkparmsZ66Q3a3Q7c65Q3a13Q7c39Q3a1Q7c240Q3a1318QQ_trksidZp3911Q2ec0Q2em14QQhashZitem220371320533QQitemZ220371320533QQptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories Rout Van Dash
  8. I'd sure like to see that chart.
  9. Like this Ed ? Notice how the straight cable is attached to the flapper lever like a manual choke cable.
  10. How cool is that to have your Dad's car !!! Lucky guy.
  11. If it's a 53 long block it may be a 265 !!!! Measurure the stroke through the little access plug over #6 piston like Bob suggested. If it measures 4 3/4" it will be a 265. 4.5" stroke would be a 251. Oops, I thought Pipewrench Dale posted that photo.
  12. Yeah...timing or vac. advance problems ?
  13. Anybody here have the knobs that control the optional fresh air heater. I have 2 but I am in need of the one that operates the fresh air flapper valve. I think it would say AIR.
  14. Hey Tim, It's here ! The weather finally sweetened up enough for me to go get the door and other parts. See anything you like ? Delivery this weekend is possible. Note: No rust out and the glass is in tact.
  15. Those tail lights are on eBay occasionally. Kinda pricey. Here's one now. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&item=110358302445 Begrudgingly.....I'll have to agree with you on the low side bed proportions.
  16. Here ya go Don, This should fit the bill....or should I say...fit the Don. You might even be able to stand up iffin ya want to.
  17. Yup, You'd think so , but I just don't have enough hands.
  18. Yes, the low sided box had a different design than the high sided box. The low sided box was actually a hold over from the 39-47 trucks.
  19. Besides the time change messing with my inner clock it's a real pain in the keester for another reason. I collect old electric wall clocks and it takes what seems like an hour to go around and reset all of them.
  20. Hey yeah Don. It might be burned out though cause the reflector looks mighty dark. Thanks for remembering. Paul, The tail gate on the 53 looks different to you because the bed is a low side box.
  21. Beautiful photos Paul. I can smell the blossoms from here.
  22. Don, I could use any dash knobs or ......gauges if in decent shape for the B series trucks.
  23. OK!....now chop the top and add flames on this one.
  24. Hey.....I think you're on to something! Was there also a single glove under the seat ?
  25. Super size the photos. There is a brake and gas pedal. The brake pedal is just down in the LOCK position. Wish I was closer too.
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