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tom'sB2B last won the day on September 16 2022

tom'sB2B had the most liked content!


441 Excellent


Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Santa Cruz CA
  • My Project Cars
    1947 Dodge D24
    1950 Dodge B2B


  • Location
    Santa Cruz, CA
  • Interests
    making trouble

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  1. I'm sorry to hear. It's always hard to lose a pet. Especially a good cat RIP Puma
  2. Where about in the Bay Area?
  3. Gummi Pflege stift...the name says it all. Love it! 👍
  4. I think you should start a thread showing your rebuild. I would enjoy watching your progress.
  5. Marine grad plywood with stainless strips.
  6. Not same year or model, but a nice woodie DeSoto
  7. Saw this cool woodie whilst riding my '51 Schwinn
  8. Just don't talk about small block Chevs and you'll be ok. ? Don't ask dumb, redundant questions and you'll be ok too .. Rest in Peace Don Coatney.
  9. Here are the Moog springs before I cut a coil off. It's a slightly stiffer ride. I don't quite ooze over the railroad tracks like I did with the old springs. I kept the old springs if I or the next owner want to go back to original.
  10. https://butchscoolstuff.com/ This where I got my blocks.
  11. I will find that info for you tomorrow. You need to find the correct shackle bolt width. A generic block kit is too narrow.
  12. Moog springs. Cut one coil off. 2" blocks in the back. I'm happy with the stance.
  13. Here is another option: https://youtu.be/8G3MJGuKIQ8 Pull the wheel and inner fender. Pull the valve covers. Let the engine come to temp and adjust while engine is running.
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