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Everything posted by mrwrstory

  1. Just looking awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. I installed a aluminum radiator built for mid 50's Chev truck w/350 V8, in my '48 Plymouth. It's a quality piece that "is" repairable. One word of advise is, "be very judicious about coolant and distilled water". Other than the proper coolant can lead to corrosion of the aluminum by electrolysis. I mounted mine on the front of the core support (which may already be the case for your Dodge) and relieved the bottom edge to get the radiator lower. -
  3. Welcome! Watch for the Old Mopar Breakfast that we in SoCal have a coupla times a year.
  4. Went to visit my young friend Mike who is thrashing on a Suburban to drive to Canada this Summer. We have coffee and kick tires 'bout once a week. We live in So Cal's urban sprawl. But for those who think So Cal is all concrete, traffic and smog, this is what you get by going the back way at 8:30 Monday morning, It's just three miles from my house and less than two miles from I-5 - - - The canopy was because of the liquid sunshine!
  5. Neat project! Anxious to see pics Photobucket also allows you to "edit" reduce the image size. They recommend 800 pix width which is a nice size pic for posting and saves storage space.
  6. Thanks for the kind words. Ya know however,...it's amazing what you can get away with, or achieve if you just jump in. Most of this stuff I have never done before and,....I've never been accused of being particularly smart.
  7. How cool are those running boards, eh! Amazing what you can do if you just go for it and use a little thought. And to Jeff's point,....many of my fabrications become "prototypes" for the Mark 2 or 3
  8. Paying too much (by others' yard stick) is not that bigga deal if you like the car and intend to own it for a while. Just amortize the term of enjoyment and take into account you may not find a better "deal" on the car you love. $1000.00 too much over 10 years is about the same as one beer a day. And,....you're driving or workin on the dream machine that you coulda missed out on!
  9. Was hoping to see a little more participation since many of us claim to be "hands on guys" That said, here's my latest experiment. It's the driving light on my Roadster which embraces the Steam Punk theme. One never knows exactly how the colors will evolve and that shown will surely change after BBQing. More in a coupla days. - -
  10. Weather permitting, coming topless, I'll be there. Forecast is good,.....at the moment.
  11. That's just looking great! Your build (rebuild ) been a great project to witness. That first drive around the neighborhood will be a thrill.
  12. I'm with the group. I favor #2 or #3. And, a "Friday night" is impractical in my opinion because of the need to drive after dark.
  13. I'm guilty of one event about every week. Fortunately most are not life or property threatening,...just dumb. However, probably the best (in this millennium ) was changing an alternator and potentially burning down the house. I had "Gunked" the engine for a clean working space. While removing the alternator I moved the adjacent fuel line and open up a crack that was started by the fan belt making contact. Upon ignition the weeping gas ignited. I quickly extinguished it with a rag. My initial assessment was the "Gunk" ignited,.... still dumb to the weeping gas. So,.....I started the car again and upon it firing, the extra pressure from the now energized fuel pump, turned the weep into an atomized spray. IT WAS SPECTACULAR!!!! but now serious! Fortunately my wife was just outside the garage watering the flower bed. I wrenched the hose from her hands and extinguished the inferno,.....told her it was the Gunk and set about replacing the damaged fuel line.
  14. Count me in! if the date sticks, please do a reminder.
  15. Sounds like everything is working out okay. Good for you and the shop. It's a pleasure to gracefully resolve a hiccup. Love the before and after pics of the engine. Good Luck and keep us in the loop.
  16. Most important is to understand how just one cylinder, #6, got to be the wrong size. If the shop screwed up, (seems like the case) they bear responsibility. I suggest, as many others have, the oversize cylinder gets a sleeve. I also agree with you and others that rather than making it a battle, offer to pay for the rework in order to give the shop some slack and not, at this late stage, have someone in a adversarial mood expediting the correction.
  17. Always enjoy seeing those "on the road" pics.
  18. You scored and what a great adventure for you and your kids together. A nice relief form the "social media" they are surely exposed to.
  19. Classy move guys! Some times we try to be cute and it offends the recipient when it's only meant for fun. Often happens when the mirth, or attempt at, is written as opposed to spoken in person. Been there, done that! I hope Paul,..... you are understanding there was no ill intended and that it takes a special person to say, "I apologize".
  20. Damn Ed! That is just over the top! Spectacular, and as mentioned colour and stance are perfect. I may have to rethink my project.
  21. You gotta nice 3/4 or side view pic of your car as it sits now? Love to see a couple of the latest as I'm sure others would. Your avatar is just a teaser! BS
  22. If you have to ask which side of the door to put it on,....... you probably should put it on the "inside".
  23. Tod, Look at the bright side. You got your car home,...I assume somewhere South of OC. Lotsa fun stuff to do with cars in South OC and North OC with very little Fwy requirement.
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