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Everything posted by thrashingcows

  1. My daily driver years ago had a bad rad, small weeping. It was that way when I got it and I would run the Bars-leak about every 6 months. I drove that car everyday for almost 5 years, over heated it twice, and the rad never sprung a leak, or got too much worse. I'd definitely give the bars-leak a try, or equivalent. It's just aluminum powder and will get lodged up in the holes and kind of fuse itself in place. Not a permanent solution but you could get several more years out of that rad?
  2. Sometimes progress is slow, but any progress is great to hear about. At least it is slowly working it's way back towards the road. Keep up the good work, and a few teaser pics can hurt either...
  3. Now that is the way to go...at least for myself. Thanks for posting up the link, and coping the build invoice. I'll definitely be using that when I need to get one done for the Desoto.
  4. All I can say is WOW!!! I'd heard of this new(er) process but never seen it done. That was amazing!! I can think of a 101 things that could be used for. Thanks for the link!!
  5. Well I've been absent for a while now. I bought a 84 Dodge crew cab that was converted to a Cummins/5spd. Well it turned out it was in poorer mechanical condition then I had figured. So anyway been working like crazy to get it up to my personal standards, which can be more then it should be but I'm funny that way. But on a note that isn't quite so off topic....I just received the paper work, Title and bill of sale, for Fernando in the mail yesterday. So the Desoto is officially mine! Now I need to get it from Southern Cali. to my friends house in Portland, OR. Then I'm going to drive down and pick it up from my him. Probably won't get to do any work on it until late this fall or early winter, have a ton and a half of things on the "Honey Do" list that need to get done before I build up enough car credits again.
  6. Very nice!! Looks like they did one heck of a nice job. Your cruising in comfort now.
  7. Welcome!! What a cool car, and with a long family history to boot...Your a very lucky man.
  8. I have to say that the body style doesn't suite the gasser look, at least in my opinion.
  9. Mine too...so we're both in that same boat. Looks like a nice project, keep us posted on it's progress.
  10. A little wax can't hurt any. I'd give it a rub down when you have time. Sure is a pretty car!!
  11. I like it too, and my 9 year old daughter said she likes the paint, and the steering wheel...
  12. Never heard of heating the crack like that and then adding the JB weld...very interesting, and something I will file away in the old gray noodle.
  13. I believe the Aussie Hemi I6 is more of a cantered OHV engine...like the poly motors. Not a true Hemi, but a cool little motor none the less.
  14. I like it...Cheap and easy!! (No comments form the peanut gallery!!)
  15. Just tried some today on a rusty nut and I was amazed... I tried to remove it without any "help" and it wouldn't budge, dropped some Acetone/ATF mix on it, let it sit for a minute then tried again....came off quite easy. Hard to say if another fluid would have worked as well, but I have been eager to try this stuff out so when I had an opportunity I had to use it. Only thing I don't like about this mix is how it separates, and it separates quickly...so you have to shake it up before you can apply it.
  16. Aren't those the Homer Simpson "Speed holes"....
  17. I agree, doesn't look DR'ed to me. The sun on the car and the shadows are way too consistent. Neat photo though.
  18. No idea yet, still waiting for the paperwork to get sorted out on Fernando. But usually I don't care what my mileage is, if I did I'd buy a crappy commuter car. I build and drive these cars for the enjoyment, and love of the hobby, not for the fuel mileage. If I can maximize my fuel mileage then that's a bonus , but not a deal breaker.
  19. Wow a Plymouth truck...very cool!! Keep us updated on it's progress, and I too love the color.
  20. You need more water...I cleaned out a beat up old 360 one time. Brought the throttle up to around 2000rpm, then started powering water slowly down the carb. Had to feather the throttle to keep it running but the garbage that came out the pipe, and the steam was astounding!! I probably poured a liter or so, so around a quart.
  21. Yup been using PB blaster for years now...works great. I made up some of the ATF/Acetone which is supposed to be the best. Haven't had a chance to use it yet but with Fernando coming soon I'm sure it will get used a few times.
  22. You beat me too it.... The only reason to have aerodynamic design is if the ship has to be launched from, or re-enter, a planetary atmospheric condition. But as Don stated, if ships were built in space, and were to spend all their time in space then the design is irrelevant...to some degree at least. Very neat pics and info...thanks for posting!!
  23. I'll second that....
  24. I don't know, but I think the price might be a bit high for the condition. I know when I was considering building a late 20's, early 30's Rod I was looking for a tudor mopar, and they are tough to find.
  25. Well if the motor that is currently powering your car is about worn out, then I would say rebuild the spare one. The machine work for your motor will be about the same as any belly button V8. Then it's the parts and assembly, there seems to be lots of parts available for these motors so a rebuild should not be a huge expense or hassle.
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