Well I've been off the board for some time now, not because I wanted to be, but due to circumstance. I bought a 84 dodge crewcab with a cummins/5spd conversion, back in March and it turned into a real lemon. 7 months later, and a lot of blood, sweat and tears...and money, I finally got it on the road.
Thought I'd share some pics and info on how things went.
Met up with Jim in Seattle WA to pick up a Spitfire head...sorry I can't remember your handle Jim, but he still owns the 46-48? Plymouth convertible he bought when he was 14!!!
Well I left Saturday morning at 9am to go get my 48 Desoto from Tigard OR. Went down bare, no trailer, took me about 6 hours to get there. Went 400 miles on 15 gallons...that's 26.6 mpg.
Picked up the U-Haul trailer Sunday morning and loaded up Fernando, my old 48 Desoto.
Hear I am ready to roll out of OR,
Truck hauled well. Here's the truck at the first rest area I stopped at.
Who's this that keeps following me so close.
Took me a little over 8 hours to get to Belingham WA, with a couple major highway slow downs due to accidents...WA state and rain....who knew they couldn't drive in that weather.
Here's where I slept last night....Not the most comfortable sleep for a guy my size, 6'8" and 275lbs, but good enough to save me another $75 for a hotel room.
I arrived at the Canada/USA border at 8 am, got the US paper work taken care of in a matter of minutes...the Canadians Customs...well I was there for over 90 minutes and got the royal run around.
Here's one at the Canadian customs...
And finally the Desoto is at it's new home.
I was impressed at how well the truck did, the only thing that went wrong was the clutch fan seized solid, so it's pulling a begeezes amount of air and making a heck of a noise at RPM's over 1500. I have a new clutch on the way. So all in all a good trip and I'm very happy with the way old RAE performed.
I haven't fuel up, but think I used about the same amount of fuel, 15 gallons, and went 350 miles...so pulling it got 23 mpg!!
Glad to get Fernando home...Finally...but now have to catch up on my "Honey Do" list. Wife was not happy about the 7 months of working on the truck and not getting any of the summer projects done!! Will work on the car when I can find time and will be on the board a bit more now I have a car to actually work on.