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Everything posted by thrashingcows

  1. I was looking at some pics of members 2 dr sedan Plymouth and Dodges and wonder if the side glass is the same for Dodge, Plymouth, Desoto and Chryslers in this body style. Fernando needs new glass pretty much all the way around. I was looking into getting new glass made up, or buying a set already cut for me. But if I can source decent used glass that might be a little cheaper. Thoughts?
  2. Hey someone gave your car a black eye.....
  3. Alright 30 weight for the compression test it is. I passed on a couple local motor, well passed on one since it was a running motor, 30K miles on a rebuild. Has a cracked intake and exhaust manifold as well. But I would have had to pull the motor. The other one turned out to be a 23" flatty. So I've e-mailed the guy and told him I'll take the motor and tranny. Just need to get up there and get it now. It's a good 5 hour drive, one way, to go get it.
  4. Try using a compressed air to load up the bad cylinders. It should blow the piston down but then hold air, to some degree. Have the rad cap off and if you start seeing/hearing bubbles, or the water starts to flow out of the rad...then it's a head gasket.
  5. Another tidbit of info I will definitely use...Thanks!!
  6. I have a gallon mixed in my garage. Just haven't had a chance to use it yet. I'll definitely update when I do use it.
  7. I'll second that....
  8. Seriously!!!...Did all mopar of this era have this? How friggin cool is that!! I like your changes....
  9. Another beautiful day on the west coast of Canada. Sunny and clear and temps projected for 12-15 deg C (around 60 F for those below the 49th)
  10. Maybe I'll just squirt in some light weight hyd. fluid. It should work past the rings pretty easy and maybe not cause much change in the reading?
  11. Another new thing I learned...that's a great idea!!
  12. Short of pulling the suspension and parts apart to clean out the old grease, if there is even grease still in there. I would just hit the zerks with your grease gun. If the grease goes in great, if not then pull the zerk and replace, try again if nothing still then pull zerk and use a small screwdriver or coat hanger and see if you can punch a hole in the hard old grease so the joint will take some fresh grease. Work your way around, up, over, back and forth and see how things go.
  13. Those cuts make me cringe....I know they have to be done to get what you want, but I still hate cutting up my cars.
  14. 46/47/48 Desoto and Chrysler will have the same molding. Keep an eye on ebay, I've seen a few pop up from time to time. I'll try and make a mental not and if I see one will let you know.
  15. Thanks, I'll search around on European E-bay and see if I can find a KM/H speedo. That would be ultimate cool for Fernando!!
  16. Doesn't oil in the cylinders seal up bad rings? Shouldn't I do one check "dry" first, then use oil and see if the reading changes. Also how many revolutions do you go? Isn't it something like 3-4 revolutions of the dizzy rotor? Been many a year since I had to do a compression test on a motor I was buying.
  17. We all put off doing stuff to chat, so to speak, on-line. I know when I actually buckle down and do what needs to be done I'm amazed at how quickly I got it done. Nice work on the rocker moldings! I've been tinkering for years straightening and polishing stainless and aluminum. I had never thought to use a old phone book...you could also bend a phone book to take the basic shape of the molding you are working on.....Hmmmm.
  18. Didn't think of a compression test...good thought. What size is the crank bolt to turn the engine over. Or should I just power to the starter?
  19. What is that on your hood? A bug deflector? Or sight for the twin .50 Cal guns mounted on your hood.....
  20. You know what...that never even occurred to me....
  21. Cool...Thanks for the link!!
  22. Doohh....That is disappointing to find I'm sure. Good luck and keep us posted.
  23. I try and avoid Highways when out cruising. I prefer to take the slower, longer, more enjoyable back ways.
  24. I'm out in the valley from Vancouver..Abbotsford..we are usually a few degrees warmer then Vancouver since we don't get the winds off the water.
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