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Everything posted by thrashingcows

  1. Hey Shawn, I'm fairly new here and even though I have a 48 Desoto the guys have not shunned me off the site yet.... I'll do some searching and see if I can find some info on your car in the archives...or maybe post some pics and info about it for those of us that are new here.
  2. Sure doesn't look like carbon to me...it seems too neat with nice edges that don't fill up the threads. It really looks like a plug of some sort. Thanks for the information Bill, I was hoping you'd chime in, since I've read a lot of your postings and you seem to have quite the wealth of information. As you deduced this motor already has the 3 speed manual behind it so no worries about the Hy-drive.
  3. I pulled all the plugs and lubed the cylinders with oil, since it's been sitting a year or two since it last run. I then pulled the plug from above the number 6 cylinder and there seems to be some sort of internal plug? Guess I can't check my stroke?
  4. OK will go out and see if I can locate it and pop it loose. Will I need to use a thread sealer when I re-install it?
  5. Congrats on getting the car out. Nice to get the juices flowing...in the car and yourself.
  6. Thank for the info Fred. I read somewhere on the board, while scouring the archives, that there is a plug on the head I can remove and put a long thin wire or stick in and I can measure my stoke that way?
  7. Thanks for the link Rockwood, that was where I found the info about it being a 1954 dodge motor. But I couldn't find any info on that site that told me what Cu. in it was. The motor was not bored over, they honed it out and then freshened it up from there. SO I am probably sporting the stock numbers....110HP doesn't sound too bad. Hope to bump it up a little with the dual carb intake and split cast headers, a shaved head etc. So anyone know for sure what Cu. in it is? Should I measure the stroke?
  8. I agree with Greg G, I wouldn't change the oil until I had some miles on the car. I see it's all apart and not road worthy, but I wouldn't change the oil until it actually has some miles on the motor, that is when things truly get broken in.
  9. I recently picked up a rebuilt flatty 6 to replace the broken one in old Fernando (48 Desoto). I was reading one of the other posts and I got to thinking that I didn't check the numbers on my new motor to see what I actually have. The motor was pulled from a 47 Plymouth that the fellow had owned 30+ years. So here are the numbers off the block.... D49 2 5977 C So I did some research myself and found that this is a motor from a 54 Dodge. And I believe that the "C" at the end designates it a Canadian 25" motor. So what Cu.in motor might this be? I did some searching through the archives and the best I could come up with was a 218 or maybe a 228?
  10. My grandfather told me a story many many ago about my mother. When she was a child, she opened the rear suicide door and was well on her way out....grandpa swung his arm around and caught her by the back of the dress and flung her back inside the car..... Without Grandpa's quick reaction I wouldn't be here today!!
  11. Wow that Hemi headed 6 is an impressive beast...I'd throw in a nut...or two for one of those as well....
  12. My neighbor is a fiberglass guy, so he use acetone all the time. You can have acetone in a plastic bottle but it must have a, 1 or 2, in the recycle triangle on the bottom. It will not eat through those bottles. I have a jug or ATF and Acetone mix in the shop right now in a #2 bottle.
  13. Can you pop one off and see what it might have cast into the back? Looks kind of neat. But you never know?
  14. Why not take them down to your local sign/graphics shop and see if they can make you up some small decals with the desired wording. Then stick them to the front of the knobs.
  15. Is that a AC and Heat unit? And who did you get it from? Looking good BTW.
  16. I second the cast spread bore intake and a thermoquad carb. I have this set-up on my 87 dodge ram 3/4 ton with a 360 auto. I run around locally and get 10-12 miles to the gallon....not great but better then the stock set-up. Also running those small primaries will help increase the fuel mileage. TQ's are a little tricky to tune but once you get them dialed in they run beautiful. I also have the same spread bore and TQ on the 440 in my wagon, I get 13-15 mpg on a motor with close to 100,000 miles on it!!
  17. Probably a real car in the guys barn, and someone is getting back at him for something.
  18. I thought it was part of the heat riser set-up?
  19. I only like to use Poly bushings on my sway bars, all others I prefer OEM rubber. I have not had any squeaking problems from my poly bushings before, you just have to lube them up before assembly, use a good synthetic axle grease and you should have years of quiet operation.
  20. Wish I had more room at home for storage.....
  21. Looking good!!! I was going to say you left your lunch cooler under the dash....
  22. Started working at 14 mowing lawns, then moved to landscaping. Changed to a pipe layer, installing sewer, water, hydro and tel for new subdivisions, then economy dropped away and now I'm a Commercial truck driver, been driving about 12 years now....only another 25 more years to go.... I current run for these guys....
  23. Didn't see the game but that does sound inspiring.....
  24. Wow what a Beauty!! Congrats on the new car!!
  25. Did a quick search on E-bay and found this one.... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1956-54-52-50-48-40-38-36-34-DODGE-PLYMOUTH-CRANK-NUT_W0QQitemZ190374775891QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMotors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories?hash=item2c53388c53
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