I cannot defend my fellow countrymen and their driving habits as I have seen quite a few lousy examples on a regular basis all over the state. In my time in West TX, it was understood to steer clear of anyone with NM plates cuz they had a tendency to just wander around a bit and forget about traffic laws in general. Just today, south of Waco, I was travelling along several paved back roads and had to make left turns onto other roads, having to pass a truck that I was trailing at 2 separate intersections cuz one guy decided to pause to look at something for sale in a corner yard, and the other much older guy took the turn so wide (and slow) that he had to stop before turning into the ditch...road construction over every other hill, leadfoots around every corner, and yankees wandering around just a-gawkin' at us simple folk and our backwards ways...it's no wonder that visitors think drivers are bad here, cuz there are A BUNCH of'm that are just THE WORST