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Everything posted by BobT-47P15

  1. Testing, testing.
  2. Looks like someone's head hit the windshield in #4.......could be them under the blanket. In #5, I suspect the lady standing back there in the white dress may have been operating the poor ole Town and Country when it took a dive.
  3. Well.......that's interesting news. Given the price the R10 overdrives are selling for now......a real deal. If no wiring or things with it, there are various systems to activate it once installed. Oft times the old ODs really don't need any repair, many people have simply installed them and they seem to work fine. And you don't have to change the driveshaft or anything.....it just fits in. (I'm assuming your trans is still 3 on the tree). Welcome back.
  4. Guess I saw this on the Antique Auto Club website where you had also done some posts about your car........was just checking with you to see if this person had indeed ever contacted you about the car they apparently want to sell. "Did this person ever contact you - from the Antique Auto Club website??? "My dad has a 53 coronet convertible and is thinking about selling it " I don't know any more than that.
  5. I just noticed the little black dot that came up toward the right of the screen........cursor on it and it says "preview topic". On the one I tried, it gave the first and last post. Guess you could use that to see if the subject interests you.
  6. Looks good........also still trying to find my way around. Have caught on to some of it, and will keep working at it. Thanks GTK.
  7. The one thing that I once had a problem with was the rear brakes only- locking up after a sort of hard stop with more pressure than usual applied to the brake pedal. The problem there was that rear short brake hose.....it looked real good on the outside, but was so old the inside material was collapsing. So when you put a little extra fluid thru it, the fluid could not return to the master cyl - therefore the rear brakes remained engaged. My answer to that at the time was to open each rear wheel bleeder and let a little fluid out to relieve pressure. Have since replaced that hose and all works OK. Regarding the fluid level in the master cyllinder.....I always fill it to the opening and it seems to work fine. You might take a piece of wire and poke into that vent hole in the bottom of the M C to make sure it's indeed open. I don't know if this would have any bearing on your problem, but were the hoses replaced with brand new ones or new old stock ones? Even n.o.s. could have a problem simply due to age.
  8. I agree there probably are not very many left on the road nowadays. I agree that I'd try to keep it an original, survivor type car. Have you ever seen the production number on the converts?
  9. Newbies don't know how to navigate these forums right at first...... so they tend to leave messages in places they first come upon.
  10. Would this be a Canadian 54 Dodge?
  11. In 1954, the Dodge convertible was the Indy 500 pace car.
  12. Here's a black one for sale thru the AutaBuy website. Sounds like he's gonna run it thru an auction. Link to that site. http://www.autabuy.com/ViewPhoto/?I=/Photos/576406_273153409_Original.jpg&ShowAdSense=1&K=1953%20DODGE%20CORONET%20CONVERTIBLE Here's a red one at some other dealer.................. A blue one with red rims............... Did this person ever contact you - from the Antique Auto Club website??? "My dad has a 53 coronet convertible and is thinking about selling it "
  13. Yes.....one story said it now has a Chevy 350 V8. There were numerous other advertising vehicles over the years.....some based on normal cars....others like the Oscar Meyer weinermobile totally custom built from the ground up.
  14. I somehow came by an old rim quite sometime back, may have been Dodge, that was painted the same way. Not sure that I still have it now.
  15. Nice work. Those bumpers are not too large or heavy looking like some that guys try to put onto customized cars (like maybe Cadillac ones). Could we see a side view to see how the 42 model fenders look also?
  16. About the only way to make it disappear would be to dismantle it and sell or use the Chrysler parts.....making sure the lighter part was simply reduced to disposable trash. edit.....after reading the last article, I think the car kinda was at a low point, got left at a dealership or warehouse, and was finally dumped as interest in it had waned. Google....."Zippo Car" I see the original version had black sidewall tires, whereas the new re-creation has wide whites....and a Chevy 350. Here"s a link to a good article about the new Zippo-mobile....... http://www.simpson260.com/hosting/zippo/zippo_car.htm Another slightly different article.........http://studioshowroom.com/zippo/zipcar.html And another.......http://www.zippo.com/about/article.aspx?id=1583
  17. Welcome Nemo. Sorry....I don't have an answer to your question.....but I was wondering if there is a Chrysler product owners group there who might be able to provide historical info on cars like yours. Otherwise, my best advice is to purchase a Service Manual and a Parts Manual for your car at your earliest convenience. They don't tell you everything you need to know, but do contain a lot of helpful info. They tend to be found on ebay here. Good luck with work on your new ride....hope it will provide you with many enjoyable times.
  18. OK......then conversely.......I guess a 12V solenoid would NOT work on 6 volts. How can you tell whether your trans came from a 12V or 6V car originally? My engine is from a 1957 Plymouth, which was 12V, but I don't know if the OD came from the same car, or an older one. My system is still 6V.
  19. Sounds like Ed needs to update.
  20. Since Tim said the message feature can be turned off.....I think I'll turn mine off. Would be perhaps better than them leaving a message and getting no reply - thinking no one cares enough to respond.
  21. I went to my user profile page while ago (I seldom go look at it) and there were a couple messages from new members. One had been there since October, the other just a week or two. I had forgotten people can leave a message there. So, you might want to go look at your page from time to time in case someone has posted a question there. I replied to both parties. I'm sure the fellow from October thought he was being totally ignored. Not sure I've seen his handle turn up on the forum.....or at least not very often. So......thought I'd just mention this as hopefully helpful information.
  22. And actually, that back window area (rear of cab) doesn't look too bad proportion-wise. Some conversions are kinda funky in that area. And here is a stock suburban.
  23. Someone around here owns this real nice Plymouth.....I always considered that model rather "ugly", but this one is cool...........
  24. A.J. Check your P Ms for a note and some pics on a 51 coupe that may still be for sale near here. Pretty nice and less than the one on ebay, as I recall. Bob
  25. And, another thing I think I recall from the olden days is.......if you notice the wheel with no cover......it's black, except it's red around the edge where it shows. I believe that was a factory deal. The parents of one of my best high school friends had a new two tone green 54 Dodge with those louvered wheel covers and Red Ram engine.
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