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Todd B

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Everything posted by Todd B

  1. Awesome, I am terribly slow at reading so I skipped what you wrote at first. I scrolled through all of the photos and that how cool it was for someone to find all these old photos. Then I read the comments that followed and realized these are new pctures. very well done. Todd B.
  2. That would look awesome in my 53 semi. I am very, very envious.
  3. I would think there is an old retired guy with a heavy flat bed trailer with a one ton that would haul for you for a very reasonable rate. If there is Amish in your area ask them, they have things delivered all the time and they know who is the cheapest.
  4. That was very funny, could you email it to my computer, I don't know how to send this to my buddies from here. Thanks, Todd
  5. Seems very light on the weight charts. But I would trust the charts more then my memory. I never knew there was a single tire F model before.
  6. I weighed my 49F before I put the camper on it and by memory is was around 8000#
  7. I would assume you burned a few brain cells and forgot more then who wants your knob, (that didn't come out the way it sounded in my head) when your gophers got spanked so bad. Makes me proud to be a Wisconsonite.
  8. I totally agree with the big Thank you to all!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. I have been working on city homes and dealing with neighbors for 30 years and I have never had any problems. I usally talk to the neighbors before I start a job and they always understand I may have to cross over to there land to get my job done. Last year right here in my little town of Marion I had a situation that I had to cross over the corner of the neighbors to get my snorkel lift in. The neighbor knows me and has never had any problems or complaints about me or my crews. I went and talked to him and he "hated" his neighbor so much he refussed me access. After me begging for 2 days he agreed I could cross the line for $200.00 . I said if that is the cost of being a good neighbor so be it. Once I started the project I soon figured out why he did not get a long with his neighbor, the woman was the most dishonest person I ever came across, I got stuck with not getting paid and I was never happier to finish a job. I love living in the country, the only fences I worry about are the ones I keep electrified to keep the deer and raccon out of my garden. The rabbits give me the oppurtunity to shoot them so I can usally keep them under control. Plus I can pee outside whenever I have the need.
  10. Awesome video, Thank you
  11. Heres a 53 trailmobile
  12. I would START with calling the seller, like wayfarer said. I am old school and believe you should give the seller a chance to make it right. If the seller chooses not to be an honest person then move forward with frame replacement and chalk it up as the school of hard knocks. Sorry for your loss, hopefully this guy turns out to be honest or just did not know about the issues. Todd
  13. Make sure there is no small children in the room when you attempt to put it back in place. Swearing is usally involved.
  14. Thanks bob, I thought my dad packed them when we first built the truck but I could not remember. It apprears to be perma tex around the axle shaft flange used as a gasket. Is that necassary? Or a good choice? I saw that second picture in my book but my drum is all one piece. I assume my drum is the same bearing & washer order as your picture.
  15. Just mounted to the cab itself with locking nuts on the inside. They are very ridig and have never leaked (so far). They are "extremely" loud.
  16. Dropped my fuel tank today and this is what I found in the neck part of the tank. 12 years ago a freind cut my tank in half at the seam and rebuilt it. I then put something in the tank to help the seam from leaking. It never leaked but now this stuff is letting loose and getting sucked into the tank. It only appears to be a problem by the neck but there is little chuncks of junk floating around in there. I am thinking of cutting an access hole about 1/3 of the top to clean this thing out. Has anyone attempted this. also got my new/used rear drum cleaned and painted and I believe that will be Sundays job to install. My hired man took the one off my semi and the parts truck and just laid the parts in a pile. I looked in my book and there is no cross section of a 2.5 ton drum assembly. Any one know the order of all the big nuts and washers go. also do you pack this with grease when you put this back together or does the rear end 80/90 oil lubricate the big bearing. Thanks, Todd
  17. Old standing joke in the building business is that you can always pick an engineer out the crowd. He would be the one wearing shoes with velcro instead of strings.
  18. You are not carring much weight with only an 18' wide structure. You can also pour your blocks full of concrete to form a bond beam and you would have more than enough support.
  19. Awesome! That is one of the coolest vidios for our trucks I ever seen
  20. They look pretty darn nice to me.
  21. PS. I am 48 and think the same as you Jeff
  22. I agree 100% with Jeff. I also am sorry for this forum getting side tracked Todd B Think spring, we will breaking an all time record on Thursday of the most sub zero days. 48 days this winter below zero.
  23. This whole short cuts on spelling is making the next generation idiots. I had a young guy fill out his time card for me and said he worked on the ruf on 2 st. I questioned him and he truly believes that is how you spell roof.
  24. I give up, whats the FB page
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