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Todd B

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Everything posted by Todd B

  1. Ouch, $90. That is $9.00 a piece. I think fastenal might see me walking in there doors today. Or machine bolts mght be just fine.
  2. Thanks guys, I will call Mar-K tomorrow
  3. Years ago I dumped this stuff in my leaky gas tank and slopped around till it was gone. It was supposed to be a type of product that coated the tank and would last forever. A few years later my truck would stop whenever it felt like it and we tried everything. after several embarrassing moments we figured out that the crap inside the tank let loose and would go up against the fuel line.
  4. Where do I get the big headed bolts that hold the rear fenders of a 49' on? Thanks, Todd B
  5. The FWD would be awesome to own, my dad worked there for 43 years. Its on my bucket list to own one in memory of my dad.
  6. I still love watching, although I would love to shave the kid's head with 2 colors of hair.
  7. Years ago I was buying trucks at Ritchie Auctions and selling them in front of my shop. The DOT got a hold of me a said I needed a Dealer business to sell more than 6 vehicles in a 12 month period.
  8. I have seen that bus on Rick's Restoration before. I always wanted a bus like that and put a big hemi in it. I would pick up all of freinds and go out to eat. (Post winning the lottery). I love the show, gives me several ideas and tips. I do agree with Mark, I am a finish cabinet/furniture builder and I think the wood parts they restore look like crap. maybe you metal and paint guys think the same about that portion. I look at piece of rusty metal and I scratch my shorts, they make the metal parts look so easy.
  9. If you let her have her way now you should plan on selling your truck and buying a skirt (the skirt will be for you)
  10. Merle, I am planning on coming with my semi, my son is also planning on coming with the b1b that we are restoring (hopefully its done or far enough that we can get it there). We will have to come back home that same day because of the reunion on my hill. I am looking forward for this. Todd B
  11. I have a new super hero, " LUGNUT123" A member from this website, just sent me a correct hinge. I am back on schedule again, we are tring to get it completed for my sons wedding June 22. His mom and I got married in the same truck 27 years ago. Thanks again, I enjoyed talking to you. Todd B
  12. Mere, At this moment we are hosting my in-laws reunion Sept 22 on my land. My wife is going to try to move that date. I will keep in touch. Do not change on my aaccount. I have learned that you cannot please everyone.
  13. pm sent, Thanks
  14. I can deal with the bend but the problem is that it pushes my door back 3/4" I don't beleve we can spring that hinge that much.
  15. Any suggestions? This hinge is slowing down (big time) my project.
  16. I would have no problem driving down to you, but my offer stands to have it on my land. We are going to do the luau every 2 years. I have had several freinds asking for every year but it really took a ton of work. We have a great location to have a get together and my land is always available for fun. My location is Marion WI I am in for what ever the majority is. Todd B.
  17. I am having problems with finding a hinge. When we tore my B1B down 8 years ago the drivers door hinge got misplaced. I have looked at all of my other trucks and even my parts trucks for a replacement and am striking out. The problem I am having is the original hinge was flat. The others including my attached picture has a rib in it that runs the complete lenght. When I try to use one of these with the rib it pushes the door back 3/4". Does anyone have a flat hinge?? I have another B1B and that too has a rib in it. This picture is not what I want, I am looking for the flat kind. Todd
  18. UNCLE!! My son and I put the windshield in with new steele rubber, piece of cake. We fought with those dam corner window for hours yesterday. I Give up and am calling a pro. I did my semi with steele rubber and by memorie it went right in. Todd B
  19. very cool. looks natural
  20. My truck is stored 20 miles from home. I could check next week if nobody replies by then. One thing I want to point out is I put one on my semi last year and after driving these trucks for over 30 years I find myself constantly bumping that dam ring. I find myself leaning across the steering wheel and bumping it.
  21. 251 with a 5 speed
  22. Mark, we always talked about making the trailer into a camper. I have a swing out steps and back porch designed in my head. I would sell it to a Viking fan as long as they promise not to put #4 on it.
  23. Merle I hate to admit this but the dark color on my semi actually has a deep puple tint to it. Chris, It steers with arm strenght, it is very easy as long as you are moving. I am able to paralel park the truck & trailer very easily.
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