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Plymouthy Adams

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Everything posted by Plymouthy Adams

  1. couple pics of my D19 out in the barn..kinda dusty out there...lol The outer lip that turns down goes over the top of the reveal molding after it is slid onto the pinch weld. Trust me Steele is by no way always right and their rubber IS NOT a direct representation of STOCK either...
  2. Not to cut the rubber or the reveal molding...is not the reveal two pieces..left semi and right semi oval? and if such does this reveal slip over the pinch weld first prior to install or does it go on the the rubber after the glass is installed. The middle groove is for the reveal to slip into and as I stated is exactly the way my 48 Plymouth is done. My molding that is here from two supppliers, Steele and Clesters for the 48 show only two grooves and that it is for the 41, 46-48 dodge, Chrsler, Desoto closed cars. Just would like a picture of your reveal molding...can you get a close up of the rubber in the center bottom of the glass showing the relationship of the reveal to the rubber itself?
  3. BRAINFART....yes your rubber has three slots..I was wrong on the pinch weld and chrome molding, I listed them in reverse....AND it looks identical to the rubber on my 48 Plymouth...now this may be correct as I do not have a 46-48 Dodge on hand, BUT..the Dodge windsheld is larger than the Plymouth. I also have new in the box here for the D19 and it also is listed in the catalog as the same for a 46-48 Dodge with or without reveal, from two different suppliers and the rubber is just one large slot for the glass and the rubber lip in opposite direction for the pinch weld..remember this glass is installed from the inside of the car as the rubber is held tight in place by the garnish molding with the outer lip going over the reveal molding. My D19 has the reveal molding that slides on the pinch weld itself. I cannot say more due to the fact you did not show me a picture of the chrome reveal as I asked.
  4. This is not a virus or a scam..if you have excess money that you wish to depart with, send it to me..I can put it to good use...large donators will get their names written on a donation pad attached to one of my many vehicles I have under repair....Thanks...remember this is a voluntary action on your part... PS...large donators refer to the amount of money, not the physical size of the person...
  5. Tell them as a concerned taxpaying citizen that you have elected for them to keep the money and apply it to the national debt....you will come out ahead that way...
  6. I figured you missed my hello, I use my nickname on the HAMB...Like you, slowing coming along...being a 9-5er still yet and with all the other things to do about the house and yard, family etc...I am happy when I do get to go out in the shop. Couple that with this heat and humidity....quality time is a bit tough. We keep plugging, evrytime I get even a minor deed done, it is one less thing I have to do tomorrow..
  7. That second picture makes that P15 look like a VW beetle...
  8. Nothing personal Charlie..the slant six is good...but for the trouble you have to go through..will be small block 318 or even better the 3.9 V6 Magnum due to no rad clearance probs. Then just slip in a 2:94 rear gear...cruise about 70 MPH in the 2400 RPM range with the A500 tranny. Actually the transplant of the Dakota 3.9 with all electronics is your best approach. As I have both a 50 Stude and a Volare here..I guess I could one day check out the body widths...however..the old Studes look good in rear profile aslo..just don't care for the Starlight Coupe..just too much glass curving around on the sides..
  9. Check out the 50 Stude Champion..appears to be a 4 door..
  10. Hey..I said HI in your previous post..don't tell me you done forgot who I am.... Elko, GA..maybe this will tip you off...welcome..I had asked if you were close to getting your big butt coupe on the road.
  11. I would bet my neighbor a cold beer that he could not carry and load all that in one hours time..before you know it's is ready to go and hey..what's the cost of one cold beer?
  12. I think I would pay close attention to your terminal connections...be sure nothing is loose on the amp meter post, ignition switch posts and not to forget the generator and regualtor wires also..about the only other thing comes to mind is that the generator brushes are either worn to the extreme or sticking a bit in their slides and the turning of the generator is causing them to move slighly in the slide but not coming back to the commutator quickly. Brush wire psot within the generator could be loose also.
  13. Yeah...lose the wheels, I like the overall concept..the beauty of the truly forward look Stude of 1950 with the later wagon body...anyone care to try this at home I have a nice 50 Stude at the house...as for the original front Stude bumper..50 cover the air vent to much to show off the detail, 51 is better but uglier vents and NERF bars set both years of to the max...pictured is the full mouth of the 50
  14. Pekka, I did not mean to cause confusion..I stated I could also not see the pictures very well and with the center divider off the car it is hard to tell just looking at the glass only the type car you have. The center divider has the overlap for the center built into its design, the Plymouth has two cip top and bottom locking the trim together...your picture of the rubber as shipped to you is showing the paper in the glass slot, slot above that is for the pinch weld and the top on is for the trim. After seeing the picture of the entire car..yes the body is D24. can you post a picture of the window chrome with side profile?
  15. I am not aware of a belt driven pump shorter than stock and I have asked this question straight from a Mopar Performance short block guru....as for the electric unit, I have never gone that route..as for making the engine shorter, the Shelby Dodge pickup when introduced had no fan blade from factory and ran electric fans..this kept the overall engine length a bit shorter.
  16. Snake..wasn't Hiss the name of the snake in "Robin Hood" animated movie..
  17. Yes..Plymouth went to the larger 230 but only after serial number P25-243001...looks like you stuck with a 218...unless someone threw a 230 crank and rods into it.
  18. That was the first book I ever read...Horton hatches the egg, Mazy the irresponsible bird...now 50 odd years later...I still work for Mazy...
  19. Top Cat, Bennie, Brain, Choo Choo, Fancy and wasn't one named Spook or something like that...and of course lovable Officer Dibble.
  20. Do what everyone else does I guess...take the time to secure the place, lock the doors...have a few guns strategically placed about the house and garage..plus the quaranteen sign that warns of: Brown Recluse Infestation...
  21. Check out the Summit round track aluminum radiator, it is a Griffin make, all aluminum. be sure to get the Summit generic 3 inch radiator mounting brackets...of importance here ost of all is the position of your top and bottom radiator hose. This rad is now at 195.00 and the brackets were at 16.00. Am not sure at the moment if you have option of internal tranny cooler...I opted to run a large 24" aftermarkdet cooler also from Summit. (thinking about 42.00 but may have been on sale at the time)
  22. The engine timing needs to advance in relationship to speed and therefore the vacuum should be venturi ported..as the throttle valve opens the increase in air over the small port increases the amount of vacuum. To port ones advance off the manifold works in reverse to your needs...at steady idle you have steady pull hopefully in the 17-21 range, and on decel your vacuum is at its max..23-25 inches...thus you are max on your advance...if you accelerate, you lose your vacuum and you advance is lost (retarted)..be sure that you are venturi ported and that you base line timing is set with no vacuum.
  23. I went to rotate and balance the wheels on the wife's Caravan...found that the pads are ripe for the picking else I get the same condition you have...have it scheduled for this weekend..
  24. Maybe the sounds or thought of fame and fortune was too much for her...Iz Moose and Squrl...man the good ole days of cartoons are long behind us..this new stuff is just not even funny.. Without the aid of looking on the net, who can name the cast of Top Cat??
  25. Hey Dave..how are things in Atlanta...you about to get the big butt on the road? Tim
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