For the past three years, I have complied a list of people from the Car side who have offered their names, addresses, phone numbers and emails and have volunteered to be of assistance if a fellow forum member was in their area and having mechanical difficulty. This list is in my possession, and the information was provided only on request (email) to the person requesting it, at the time of the request.
We have about 40 folks on the list on the car side. Since the forums have kind of merged and the member's list has become one and grown, I will put out the request on this forum.
If you would consider being available to help folks traveling through or in your area, PM me with your particulars. If you have space, tools, trailer, brother-in law with a garage,compressor, welder, etc. include that information also.
Again, I maintain this list discreetly, and release the information only upon specific request by another member.
Requests for the information can be requested before or during your trip using email or now the PM feature of this forum.