There used to be a fellow on this forum who had a Dodge from up in the Hannible area. He hasn't been around the forum for a while I think his name was Terry. Tall fellow with a big beard, he was also into Harleys. Is your car the one he used to have??? You might want to consider a front clip to do your job. Tim Adams of this forum has mentioned that early Dakota Pickup make good doners. They are plentiful in wrecking yards, they are cheap, they are realitively easy to do, and you get upgraded brakes, rack and pinion sterring, and the wheel bolt pattern is a match. I'm sure if you contacted Tim he could give you a blow by blow of how to do it. If you were going to swap frames you'd need to fab all the body mounts and stuff. With the front clip swap you anly need to fab up new fender and radiator supports. I know there are quite a few Dodges from the era in a yard up by Watertown, but nothing will be available till spring, as the owner is not well and has shut down till spring.