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Sam Buchanan

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Everything posted by Sam Buchanan

  1. Ok, maybe by front passenger window you are referring to the windshield?? Bob's has that glass also.
  2. Ok.....keep us informed.
  3. I'm assuming you guys who are charging phones have converted to 12v, right? If not, what are you using for a phone charger?
  4. I purchased a driver door glass for my P15 from Bob's Classic Auto Glass, it fit perfectly. https://www.vendio.com/stores/bobsclassicautoglass/category/plymouth-glass/catId=4144656 You will purchase glass only, the metal trim needs to be reinstalled.
  5. That’s four cents too much…….a penny is a perfect fit.
  6. The Harbor Fright light works great for setting timing……..it is just a bulb in a socket. Use a little creativity for attaching the leads. ?
  7. Available nearly anywhere but here is one: https://www.harborfreight.com/6-12-volt-circuit-tester-4288.html
  8. Fair enough, most folks aren’t as crippled by OCD as I. ?
  9. You asked for comments…… I checked mine with the engine running…..didn’t give any thought to firing order…. ?
  10. I hadn't paid much attention to the poop sheet until vintage6t's post and I agree not having the cylinders numbered is an oversight. Unless I missed it I didn't see any info on the guide about which cylinder is #1 unless we are supposed to assume the #1 cylinder on the left is the "front" of the engine. To make it more confusing, #1 is on the left in the Rotor diagram but on the right in the (unnumbered) illustration of the valves! ? It does seem like it could be confusing to a novice to tell if the directions are referring to the cylinder number or the red firing order. But both of these issues could be easily fixed with a bit of editing. Technical writing is not easy...... ?
  11. I haven’t seen the manifold but could you mount it with an “L” shaped bracket to put it at a better angle?
  12. Well Tom.......tell us what you really think........ ? My dog's not in this hunt....manual tranny in my P15.
  13. Another vote for Bob's, I got a driver side glass for my P15 and it was perfect. https://www.vendio.com/stores/bobsclassicautoglass/category/plymouth-glass/catId=4144656
  14. https://www.ebay.com/str/HowardEnt?_trksid=p2047675.l2563
  15. At some point we need to know when to fold 'em........... ?
  16. The 60a fuse is most likely too large, I used it because the alternator is rated at 60a and I didn't want a nuisance trip. But I've never seen the ammeter go past half-scale even after a cold start so a much smaller fuse should work. I'll probably drop back to a 30a and that will be more protection for the wiring. I don't see the max-sized blade fuse holder being a fire hazard.
  17. No, the alternator is internally regulated, no external regulation required, the old regulator gets tossed. What you see is a 60a fuse for the alternator feed to protect the car wiring in case the alternator had an internal short to ground. Very remote chance of that happening but easy to prevent.
  18. First time I changed transmission oil in my '48 P15 I used whatever was on the shelf at the local auto parts store, think it was GL4. Then the shift from 1st to 2nd with a cold trans got crunchy. That is when I did some homework and found the modern GL oils are too "slippery" for good syncro ops. In spite of being skeptical of "repairs in a bottle" the switch to RedLine instantly solved the shift issues, it is now smooth at all temps. Knowing the syncros are also happy is worth the extra $$$$'s to me. The diff has GL4 oil, no brass parts or syncros to worry about there.
  19. And an even better oil than GL1 is Redline MTF or MT90. These make the syncros work the way they were intended and won't degrade them like a modern GL oil.
  20. If you are referring to the crankshaft that ain't a possibility. The flywheel flange makes it impossible to use a Speedi-sleeve, which are only one-piece.
  21. One drop???? I wouldn't touch that rear seal! ?
  22. The service manual described how to do this with a vice for my P15. You need to consult the manual for your car to see if a vice can be used.
  23. The bearing can be carefully pressed on and off with a good bench vise.
  24. See post number six...it was written by a very astute observer..... ?
  25. The bearing that came with a clutch kit for my P15 was junk, very noisy, rough and slung grease. I ended up reinstalling the USA branded bearing that had been in the car for an unknown number of years,it works nicely.
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